Dragalia Lost Some Clothes, Part 2 

While Icy took on a character with obviously exotified outfit, I picked one whose sexualization was prooobably not meant to relate to racial coding. Her name is Malora… and judging by her clothes, she’s cowgirl mage? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 

She just looks bad. 

Actually, the biggest thing to fix was her face. Dragalia Lost artstyle promotes some fucked up facial proportions, yo! 
Not only was her kittyface mouth waay too small and placed on her right cheek, the highlight representing her nose was so teeny tiny and high up that all I could do was to use it as a guide to bridge of her new nose. Including human nostrils. 


Costume fix was pretty unintrusive in comparison to facial changes. I just didn’t want her to look so drafty. While I appreciated reasonable shorts under the mini skirt, I decided that a longer skirt fits my plans better, as I reworked her thigh high… boots? stockings? Did she wear shoes inside shorter shoes, and greaves on top? I liked their decorative design, so I changed the ‘inner shoes’ to tights. 


Reworking the top part was a bit more challenging, not because of some original idea (I literally just gave her a non-crop shirt), but because between her boobs and her spine there was some subtle @eschergirls​ anatomy going on and it took a couple takes to make that vest work according to laws of physics on her chest. Hopefully with success. 

Not my best or most radical redesign, I still hoped it helped. 


Dragalia Lost Some Clothes, Part 1

It’s quite unfortunate that Dragalia Lost ended up being another waifu collector mobile game, cause the gameplay mechanics were fun and interesting (before I got bored, as usual). We picked some of these ladies to give them clothes more appropriate for their station/role.

I personally found this image of Nefaria, who’s described as “a beautiful woman clad in foreign garb.” Now, I’m not saying that I hate this because she’s a woman of color, but it certainly doesn’t help.

My work culminated in 3 significant changes: I changed her face slightly to be less generic, I gave her an actual logical top that connects to her little tabbard, and I gave her cool pants. This was another project where I was trying to make the point that you can have cool designs that aren’t too different from the “sexy” version. It wouldn’t have been too much effort for a higher-up to request the changes I made.


I stayed with the “subtle nose highlight” style but made it a larger highlight, implying a larger nose. Give girls noses! It’s 2019! 

Also, some pants.


They’re still fun, they still got a cut down the side, but now they’re waist-high pants. You don’t notice how low the shorts are on her hips in the original until you focus on it, and then it’s just ridiculous.

I also took her heels away, just for good measure. I love ruining the fun, as you all know.


So… this latest version of Jeanne D’Arc (aka Joan of Arc) is apparently a dragon (hence the tail) but seems to also have incredibly ridiculous armor.  Why does she look like a generic waifu? Um… honestly I have no idea, and I think I’m happiest not knowing – this is what the “main” dragons look like:


And for those of you rushing to tell us, yes Luca is wonderful but he does not redeem Dragalia Lost.

– wincenworks

I’ve been trying to play the game since it came out, but the ridiculous outfits the ladies have are very distracting, and not in a “battle tactic” way; in a really off-putting way. And that’s without even talking about the game’s depiction of the protagonist’s sister.



Quote taken from a Kotaku article