Why do I have a feeling this sentence makes just as little sense in the context as it does taken out of it?
A few people claim that Bikini Warriors is critical and makes fun of bikini armor, however based off the various screencaps like this that I’ve seen… it appears it’s more the standard issue “invent women who like bikini armor, ridicule and objectify those fictional women”.
So basically rather than just admitting that it’s softcore porn, they want to pretend it has an important message – that it and everything like it is terrible, but that’s the fault of fictional women who by definition lack agency.
– wincenworks
whereismywizardhat submitted:
This is incredibly subtle

Subtle as a quiet fart in a loud room

Subtle as a rat in a sewer

Mind blowingly creative as well

So much creativity

Original as hell


I am currently screaming internally

Now, from what I could gather the publishers of this make both porn and mainstream products (apparently they do all the localisations for things like Dungeons and Dragons) and looking at this… I can’t work out which it’s supposed to be.
Apparently they were so concerned with making the generic designs so excitingly generic that they hired artists from across a spectrum of products to design the characters and seem to be pitching the story as sort of fantasy adventure.
I’m so confused…
– wincenworks
whereismywizardhat submitted:
This is incredibly subtle

Subtle as a quiet fart in a loud room

Subtle as a rat in a sewer

Mind blowingly creative as well

So much creativity

Original as hell


I am currently screaming internally

Now, from what I could gather the publishers of this make both porn and mainstream products (apparently they do all the localisations for things like Dungeons and Dragons) and looking at this… I can’t work out which it’s supposed to be.
Apparently they were so concerned with making the generic designs so excitingly generic that they hired artists from across a spectrum of products to design the characters and seem to be pitching the story as sort of fantasy adventure.
I’m so confused…
– wincenworks