
“Or the artists just want to draw her in skimpy armor and that’s ok? How about you just don’t look at that art, let them do what they’re doing, and appreciate the character regardless." like no offense but if you wanna draw a female wow character in bikini plate you will not run into much of a shortage, is expressing annoyance with artists who cant even draw one woman in full armor when that’s clearly how she designed really that much of an infringement upon artistic freedom & integrity or whatever. is it really worth this level of defensiveness 

Words of truth regarding the tired old ”creative freedom“ (a.k.a. ”leave the artists alooone!“) argument for defending bikini armors. Bolding mine.



YES, guys, we know of the new Oglaf comic. No need to send us more messages. We’ll be queueing it for sometime later in the coming week.

It so happens that both of us (but wincenworks especially) are big Oglaf fans, so it’s kinda ironic we tend to get lots of messages whenever a strip about sexy armor is made. Chances are, we’ve already read it, so please keep that in mind next time. Thanks for heads up, anyway!
