Tidy Up Tuesday #64

Some readers gave us heads up regarding Tumblr mobile app going buggy with links to tags that end with /chrono, so we’ll try to avoid them in the future. 
With that in mind, from now on we’ll be linking our most discussed topics as the newly created masterposts (work still in progress) that list the most significant posts in each category.

When submitting/recommending a bad design to BABD, please always make sure it’s from a commercial project, not an artist’s independent/personal exercise at character design.

If you’re like to ask for design advice, we recommend checking out:

Or drop in to @how-do-i-armour-and-stuff and send in an ask or submission (it doesn’t update as often as wincenworks would like, but he will happily review any questions/requests etc)

The Bad Genderbend Bingo we referenced with the Alieng Girl statue bingo, was @wackd‘s graphic design, but its writing is credited to @inbarfink, @zarekthelordofthefries, @maxwellelvis, and @fairytalesandimaginings

~Ozzie, – wincenworks & -Icy

Tidy Up Tuesday #44

A longer tidy-up this week:

While tangentially related to BABD, we gotta thank all the readers who directed us at @wackd‘s Bad Genderbend Bingo, a very acute look into double standards in redesigning an established character to be of different sex/gender (in this bingo’s case, male to female).

Few more facts regarding Frank Cho storming off DC due to “censorship” of his optional Wonder Woman covers:

  • It was not disclosed to Cho that Greg Rucka, the writer for recent Wonder Woman run, was given creative control over all the cover art.
  • Cho seems to regard “artistic freedom” of his optional cover freelance contract equally (if not more) valid to Rucka’s script freelance contract with DC.
  • While Rucka asked for several changes in Cho’s covers, cropping of the gratuitous pantyshot in issue #3 is what ultimately prompted the artist to quit.

For those confused why we didn’t heap unconditional praise over Ana Amari’s design is because Blizzard has a long history of taking a very safe half-step forward and expecting praise (and then halting all progress indefinitely).  Overwatch has an abundance of problems that aren’t going to be fixed by adding a new character or pretending the game has something close to gender equitable representation.

Thing we addressed before:

~Ozzie & – wincenworks

Tidy Up Tuesday #44

A longer tidy-up this week:

While tangentially related to BABD, we gotta thank all the readers who directed us at @wackd‘s Bad Genderbend Bingo, a very acute look into double standards in redesigning an established character to be of different sex/gender (in this bingo’s case, male to female).

Few more facts regarding Frank Cho storming off DC due to “censorship” of his optional Wonder Woman covers:

  • It was not disclosed to Cho that Greg Rucka, the writer for recent Wonder Woman run, was given creative control over all the cover art.
  • Cho seems to regard “artistic freedom” of his optional cover freelance contract equally (if not more) valid to Rucka’s script freelance contract with DC.
  • While Rucka asked for several changes in Cho’s covers, cropping of the gratuitous pantyshot in issue #3 is what ultimately prompted the artist to quit.

For those confused why we didn’t heap unconditional praise over Ana Amari’s design is because Blizzard has a long history of taking a very safe half-step forward and expecting praise (and then halting all progress indefinitely).  Overwatch has an abundance of problems that aren’t going to be fixed by adding a new character or pretending the game has something close to gender equitable representation.

Thing we addressed before:

~Ozzie & – wincenworks