The line up currently... as per Overwatch standard there are multiple body types for men and one thin, conventionally attractive one for women.Something something sexy back, a hood without a cape is certainly a decisionThe most important thing when aiming a bow is to show off as much leg as possible

Hello Diablo my old friend.

They recently announced the latest class, the rogue, with a bizarre trailer and an even more bizarre costume as the iconic look which seems to try to hedge in a few ideas in bizarre contradiction.

  • An Assassin’s Creed style hood without any cape attached
  • Two part thigh highs that are cloth from the top of the calf up

But of course, they have most of the classics as well.

  • A Xena style combat corset with pauldrons and bracers, but no pants or helmet
  • Extremely high profile, attention grabbing outfit for someone who supposedly pick pockets and moves unseen
  • Combat style is sexy dancing with knives

Also, while she does look ambiguously brown in the final videos and character model… it seems pretty clearly this was a last minute decision based off the concept art.


Because brown women apparently need more media depicting them as morally bankrupt sexy thieves… according to Blizzard.

So I would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to this quote from November 2014, regarding Blizzard’s intentions with another game.


They really need to stop getting celebrated for talking the talk while they do the opposite of walking the walk.

– wincenworks

More on Blizzard on BABD

Pathfinder: Kingmaker may not have the most inspiring splash art…


But it did produce some fantastic positive examples of female warriors and spellcasters, art by Valeriy Vegera!  It’s just a shame that the Pathfinder property seems to have such a tendency to bounce up and down when it comes to this kind of thing.

– wincenworks

So the (forty year long) King’s Bounty video game series has had it’s up and downs, the biggest down being the cover art for the ironically named Armored Princess.


Second place goes to Dark Side:


Third place goes to Crossworlds expansion to Armoured Princess where they decided to go with an even worse design like it was going to be the core brand:


So when I saw they had a new game in the works, I was kind of surprised that it appeared relatively low fantasy with costumes inspired by history and… no beyond peasants and nobles… then I saw the Celestial Warrior, which seems to be the only female unit.

Now, this does of course count as improvement… but that’s hardly worth celebrating since the bar for that was so low and… there’s just something about the developer videos and promotions that makes me… concerned about what content they may not yet be showing off…


…oh dear.

– wincenworks

In it’s “golden age”, the pen and paper Vampire: The Masquerade was distinct from Dungeon and Dragons (and copycats) due to its heavy focus on social and other non-combat solutions.  The game of course had combat, but much like in the original Bloodlines game it was generally fairly clumsy and heavy focus on it was generally heavy focus on making it as short and decisive as possible.

This made it notably popular with people who were sick of dealing with people who’d taken to expressing their toxic masculinity through superior knowledge of statistic math – and that included a lot of women.

I say all this so you’ll see that it makes perfect sense that they’d incorporate a Battle Royale variant of the upcoming Bloodlines game, and naturally show that this was going to apparently involve running around in lingerie and a leather jacket with a reverse grip on two swords in over the top action scenes.

Even more logical that in this modern fantasy game, where they could use countless items of real world gear as inspiration they apparently decided to go with this bizarre mix up gear that looks like it was randomly selected by an AI with a list of “cool” items.

This is truly the apex of Creepy Marketing Guy’s influence.

– wincenworks

Good news everyone, dudes in the fandom agree that Morathi’s bingo breaking design needs some revision.  

Bad news everyone, dudes in the fandom specifically want her hands and bare feet to be cleaned up.


There’s already a mod for that, but for some reason it also cleans up her make-up (which, like the darkness on her digits, is supposed to be an expression of her internal corruption).

Not to make it look like she’s not wearing any makeup but rather to make her look like she’s wearing a different, more low profile style of make-up that is frequently undetectable to my fellow straight dudes


Something to think about the next time you see people claiming that it’s people who propose that diversity in representation is “pandering”.

– wincenworks