

On the topic of people defending bikini armor by saying that they’re distracting,

Does anyone really think about boobs when they’re in a place where their balls could be chopped off? Just asking, since I’m female and all.

I highly doubt it, but let’s ask the cishet male mod. So, wincenworks?


As a man who is attracted to women (which I think is the larger part of the issue), I would say the answer is: No.

I can say that with great certainty because I have:

  • Attended numerous Dr Sketchy’s and similar art events where sexy models pose in very sexy outfits, and artists (many of them men) concentrate and draw them in short periods of time – somehow overcoming the distraction
  • Been to at least one high speed car race where there were numerous cases of women flashing their breasts to the crowd and the racers – and not a single accident or near miss as a result
  • Seen acrobats and aerial performer groups in titillating outfits perform stunts without getting distracted and injuring themselves
  • Talked to multiple bouncers who have assured me that even when there is a performer doing a full blown strip show, it’s not that hard to keep your attention on your job
  • Helped out a women’s self defence course (I was the fencing dummy) which covered a lot of techniques and tricks – not one of which involved using sexual traits for distraction.

It turns out, amazingly, that straight men as a group are capable of focus and basic self control when necessary!  Shocking I know!

It’s also always baffling to me that the only “distractions” that supposedly generate this bonus are sexy bits on ladies.  I mean, there are other things that’d keep me distracted with sheer puzzlement or shock for much longer.


Since there are apparently men who want to contradict this claim, making this argument with all seriousness – I’ve included five points to highlight just how stupid this claim is – beneath the cut.


Keep reading

Bringing this back as a master post of why arguing that skimpy “armor” provides distraction (and that it’s somehow more beneficial to a warrior than physical protection) is pure nonsense.

In short: it’s extremely insulting to pretty much every party involved.

Good companion piece to this article is the in-depth breakdown wincenworks later did on MatPat’s “Boobies in Dead or Alive Are a Legit Combat Strategy”* video.


more about “distraction bonus” rhetoric

*I may or may not be paraphrasing.



On the topic of people defending bikini armor by saying that they’re distracting,

Does anyone really think about boobs when they’re in a place where their balls could be chopped off? Just asking, since I’m female and all.

I highly doubt it, but let’s ask the cishet male mod. So, wincenworks?


As a man who is attracted to women (which I think is the larger part of the issue), I would say the answer is: No.

I can say that with great certainty because I have:

  • Attended numerous Dr Sketchy’s and similar art events where sexy models pose in very sexy outfits, and artists (many of them men) concentrate and draw them in short periods of time – somehow overcoming the distraction
  • Been to at least one high speed car race where there were numerous cases of women flashing their breasts to the crowd and the racers – and not a single accident or near miss as a result
  • Seen acrobats and aerial performer groups in titillating outfits perform stunts without getting distracted and injuring themselves
  • Talked to multiple bouncers who have assured me that even when there is a performer doing a full blown strip show, it’s not that hard to keep your attention on your job
  • Helped out a women’s self defence course (I was the fencing dummy) which covered a lot of techniques and tricks – not one of which involved using sexual traits for distraction.

It turns out, amazingly, that straight men as a group are capable of focus and basic self control when necessary!  Shocking I know!

It’s also always baffling to me that the only “distractions” that supposedly generate this bonus are sexy bits on ladies.  I mean, there are other things that’d keep me distracted with sheer puzzlement or shock for much longer.


Since there are apparently men who want to contradict this claim, making this argument with all seriousness – I’ve included five points to highlight just how stupid this claim is – beneath the cut.


Keep reading

Bringing this back as a master post of why arguing that skimpy “armor” provides distraction (and that it’s somehow more beneficial to a warrior than physical protection) is pure nonsense.

In short: it’s extremely insulting to pretty much every party involved.

Good companion piece to this article is the in-depth breakdown wincenworks later did on MatPat’s “Boobies in Dead or Alive Are a Legit Combat Strategy”* video.


more about “distraction bonus” rhetoric

*I may or may not be paraphrasing.

One of these things is not like the other,
One of these things just does not belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

So the basis for Widowmaker is that she’s top tier assassin who is emotionally absent and conditioned to be the perfect operative *.  For some reason her outfit doesn’t seem very much like those belonging to male characters from similar archetypes (all of them being the “best of the best”).

Which is kind of a shame, because I did a mock up of what she might look like if she took her clothing pointers from the more established members of the archetype and personally I think she still looks pretty damn sexy.


This is before we factor in all the options they had in terms of “inspired by but very different to”, future fashion trends, alternative themes, etc.

– wincenworks

* Of course, hers is a “I was a nice lady and then brainwashed into being a super assassin.” rather than anything that suggests she actively choose her profession – it’s unclear whether this is because Blizzard cannot envision a woman choosing to be an assassin for her own reasons, if they just felt the whole “she was once nice” cliche helps or if they plan to use “well a man picked her outfit” as an excuse later on.

Top left image source: Agent 47 vs. Golgo 13 by brixcatinsag7

@solstice-the-absol submitted:

Class A example for you, The recently released “Orcs Must Die: Unchained has some very questionable female armor selections. My example (being one of many) is the character Smolder.

Oh wow… Orcs Must Die always had some issues with double standards… well hopefully this doesn’t look as bad when you see the actual model…


Well Smolder does have one skin that isn’t terrible, maybe she’s the exception and they haven’t applied these design standards to other female characters…


Suddenly I find myself cheering for the orcs.

– wincenworks

Tidy Up Tuesday #33

Just a few things to tidy up this week.

We do indeed have a Steam Curator page, it’s been a little quiet lately but hopefully will start making some recommendations again soon.  Also the related Steam Group.

In creating fiction, particularly set outside of our own society, and considering who would and wouldn’t be fit to fight, we recommend considering many, many factors other than sex or gender.

For those who heard about, but didn’t follow the Overwatch pose debaccle – in a predictably Blizzard manner the “check out my butt” pose was replaced with a different “check out my butt” pose lifted directly from a Billy De Vorss 1950s pinup.  Blizzard once again claiming to strive for progress while sitting still.

Our master post on the “but dudes are sexualized the same way” and why they really are not.

~Ozzie & -wincenworks

Tidy Up Tuesday #33

Just a few things to tidy up this week.

We do indeed have a Steam Curator page, it’s been a little quiet lately but hopefully will start making some recommendations again soon.  Also the related Steam Group.

In creating fiction, particularly set outside of our own society, and considering who would and wouldn’t be fit to fight, we recommend considering many, many factors other than sex or gender.

For those who heard about, but didn’t follow the Overwatch pose debaccle – in a predictably Blizzard manner the “check out my butt” pose was replaced with a different “check out my butt” pose lifted directly from a Billy De Vorss 1950s pinup.  Blizzard once again claiming to strive for progress while sitting still.

Our master post on the “but dudes are sexualized the same way” and why they really are not.

~Ozzie & -wincenworks