While the article refers to it as “Diablo-style” their marketing and visual style seems to have other influences.

League of Angels


Tera Online

And it’s kind of congealed together into something that could, potentially quite interesting… if you hadn’t been introduced to them initially as something creepily childlike and harmless.


Basically this really a mess.

– wincenworks

@analystpeches submitted:

I decided to do the bingo for one of your recent posts. Honestly, this is baffling, and I’m not surprised that she got a bingo. I don’t know how you run this blog without having a constant migraine. Does this count as more advanced armor= skimpier? That would be two bingos. 

It’s kind of hard to tell if the more advanced = skimpier option applies because well, upgrading this unit briefly shifts her into a corset and short shorts:

But upgrading her again… moves her back into pretty much the exact same outfit:

Only with like, scary red eyes…. be afraid… maybe? Much creative.

– wincenworks

Since ELOA keeps throwing its browser ads at me, I figured I might as well bingo one of them.

Wait, is that a pec window on a male character I see in another ad?


I’d probably be more excited if he was posed as weirdly as the lady next to him… who also has way more improbable skin windows in her “armor”. I wouldn’t even know where to begin bingoing her.


@cinammonbunny submitted:

i was just trying to watch adventure time and this banner ad happened. i mean, ignore for a second that she’s about to get gored by that thing behind her thanks to the designers’ choice of her attire her choice of attire, but who detached her arm from her body and why is it made of putty

Amazingly this game seems to have set applying awkward double standards as a higher priority than selling a game.  I mean, there’s the usual boob window bait:

But then every class has this set up where there’s a man pose and a lady pose, apparently just to make sure you don’t get confused.  But really, I think it’s best summed up with this promo wallpaper:

– wincenworks