Refreshingly honest marketing?


Though why they treat “leaves nothing to imagination” like a positive thing is a mystery.


I want to say that it probably doesn’t contain anything from imagination either (seriously look how desolate and boring the landscape behind her is) but I’m pretty sure that outfit and anatomy have nothing to with reality.

– wincenworks

I’m not sure what’s more telling about their priorities:

  • That their advertising tries to use the lettering to hide the costume that they’ve designed for her.
  • That one of her costumes is literally her default costume with a shorter top and a cups bra instead of a sports bra.
  • That the two male characters have vastly wider array of looks and features between them than the six female characters do

Oh Herowarz, I wish we could say you tried.

– wincenworks

(click the left image to see the full character)

Another atrocious web ad, another bingo broken by its badness. 
