Nothing says conflict quite like two women in ridiculous costumes floating in the air and facing off against each other because… well why bother when you have more important things to communicate like the heroine is sexy but the villainess is sexier?  (High heels are confirmed in an earlier post)

– wincenworks

(edit: As has been pointed out by several followers, this cover also promotes the worrying tropes of “evil is darker skinned” and “dark skinned women are more sexual” – which are both incredibly problematic)

Nothing says savage like Vampirella costume in tigerstripe with the boots extended to thigh highs! 

And I mean that quite literally since she comes from Hero Graphics/Heroic Publishing does primarily publish Champions which was perhaps the most derivative superhero universe (and has been so since the 80s).  However apparently their latest focus (according to their site) is:

“Sexy and powerful super-heroines and awesome, fun to read comics featuring fantastic Good Girl Art by some of the best artists in the universe!”

And they haven’t shifted their focus to porn… this is just apparently their best idea for how to market superhero comics.

– wincenworks