Thor in God of War: Ragnarok
So, every now and again you’ll see brodudes rushing to argue that there’s nothing wrong with bikini armor because “men are sexualized too” and that shirtless barbarians are made sexy to cater to women, etc.
However, whenever something that comes out to challenge this… its always the same cishet men who make this claim who also cry about a male character not meeting their expectations.
That’s because, unsurprisingly given that they’re usually designed by men, those supposedly exploitative images are generally made by men, for men to fulfil not just their fantasy of power but also of being some weird form of hyper masculinity.
Appealing to women is not a priority they actually care about, only the fantasy that their ideal would definitely get them laid. Many don’t allow themselves to consider if its appealing to men-loving-men… and well, they certainly don’t think about nonbinary people or anyone on the asexual spectrum.
Of course, if you read this blog, you almost certainly already knew these guys only thing about themselves – but I thought you’d enjoy the hilarity of them telling on themselves so spectacularly.
– wincenworks
As promised last year, here’s the Thor-Wonder Woman bingo! That costume easily qualifies for top 5 of worst things Diana ever wore to fight in. It makes my brain hurt.
A stroll through our archive reminded me of this post, so I figured it’s high time to bingo the Black Widow!Thor.
As pointed out earlier, seems like costume change for a new wielder of Mjolnir is optional for male characters (neither Captain America nor Superman get one), but obligatory for female characters. And somehow the result is always some fashion sin with lots of focus on boobs and legs.

We’ll get to Wondy!Thor sometime later, we promise.