‘Suicide Squad’ concept art shows different looks for Harley Quinn
Could people behind blockbuster adaptations please stop using the whole “it empowers her” talk to explain why they decided to put a female character in a weirdly skimpy outfit? Especially when it’s either unfaithful to the source material or really the part of source material that probably shouldn’t be reproduced.
“Hawley said she got the idea for Harley’s costumes by looking at Instagram accounts of Mexican drug cartels and the attire that rock and roll icons like Debbie Harry, Courtney Love, and Patti Smith wore.
Of course, it’s not really surprising that the final result looks very little like any of those or that various incarnations of Harley Quinn (such as the Arkham games) are not cited as the top reference. After all.

The real priorities and influences on these designs are pretty obvious, even before David Ayer ranted them out.
– wincenworks
(ht: @prophetofslaughter)