I don’t know if you´re familiar with Japanese video games but it’s very rare to find a chubby character in a game, so today I want to talk about Shikiri Hasebe ( 長谷部しきり )
She is a character from しんけん!! (Shinken!!). Shinken!! is an online “Line Defense” web browser game developed by studio PROSPECT / PICTOGRAPH and published on DMM.com.
She is adorable!
She was featured in La Farfa magazine
Most female characters in videogames are usually slim and sexy, it’s refreshing to find a chubby character that is cute!!
Usually, female characters are ‘rescued‘… not the other way around haha.
She’s so adorable and badass! Such a simple, yet inspired design.
Wonder why creators who are vocal about “just really liking girls” only ever make games about the same type of skinny “sexy” girl, when so much different body types, like short and chubby, get ignored.
Shikiri Hasebe stands for all the potential that is wasted when female characters aren’t allowed to represent all shapes and sizes in which real women come.