WayForward is a games company which seems to make two types of games:

1. Games built around established licenses ranging from Adventure Time to Silent Hill

2. Games built around sexy ladies,mostly this one called Shantae

And yes… based off the screenshot that I came across recently they are as ridiculous as the promo image suggests:


Now, all me a heartless cynic… but I can’t help but think that if sex sells – they shouldn’t have to do all these license games to keep the lights on.

– wincenworks

Look, I know every MassiveMultiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game wants to be League of Legends for purely artistic reasons, known as money, but I really don’t think the combination of sexy ladies, weird guys, weird (cuteish?) creatures and apparently randomly assigned slogans is actually what people are looking for.

(I can’t be the only one who thinks that the “crush opponents with your bare hands” should be replaced with something about “free hugs”)

People propose from time to time that we should offer advice on how they could improve… in this case I recommend try making your visuals actually communicate something worth buying.

– wincenworks