Zero Suit Samus’ Heels: Why it’s a Big Deal and Why You Should Care


So the thing I keep hearing is that Samus’s new Zero Suit design from SSB4 is okay because “they’re not actually high heels, they’re jet boots.”


But before we get into that: why is it a big deal that Samus is wearing heels in the first place?

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Great article regarding character and costume design of Samus Aran throughout the years. Things to learn from it:

  • why slapping “jet boots” label on high heels doesn’t justify the heels
  • what Samus’s appearance conveyed in the old Metroid games and what it does now
  • why is Zero Suit worse than a two-piece skin revealing costume Samus used to have
  • how the recent games betrayed Zero Suit’s original purpose

I highly recommend reading it whole!


In addition, Shattered Earth did a great breakdown on the “Jet Boots” (Dr Evil air quotes there) and explored what they might have looked like if they were designed with purpose here.

– wincenworks

Repeat after me, kids:

There is no reason to design jet shoes as 4-inch heels.

There is no reason to design jet shoes as 4-inch heels.

There is no reason to design jet shoes as 4-inch heels.

  • There is NO REASON to design jet shoes as 4-inch heels.

Think for a moment before you jump in to argue that the heels are justified with the fire launchers inside.

Cause you’re making yourself look silly. Sillier than a 6’3’’ space bounty hunter running around in sky-high heels; and that’s saying something.

Those shoes could literally look like whatever and still serve the same function for the gameplay!

Also: their color scheme clashes awfully with the rest of zero suit.


Also, briefly, let’s consider the visual language of the Metroid franchise and particularly the character Samus prior to the ugly heels event.  

This is a jetpack (x):


These are space jump boots (x): 


This is a missile attack (x):


These are the “Jet boots” (x):


One of these things is not like the other,
One of these things just doesn’t belong!

– wincenworks

edit: a reader left some commentary worth sharing:

sianea replied to your post: Repeat after me, kids:

Not to mention that those ain’t even boots, it looks like just attached heels. There’s nothing there that suggests to me that those are full shoes and not just some bits strapped onto her suit like some sort of bizarre addition.