
from Samurai Warriors 5 (her mentor, Kazuuji Nakamura, in the bottom right)

After a seven year pause in games, Samurai Warriors 5 is out and it features a new kunoichi (female ninja)

character – Mitsuki.  You can tell she’s a kunoichi  because she’s dressed like she’s from a ninja gaiden game.  For those not aware, Ninja Gaiden is set in 1980s USA and Samurai Warriors is set in Sengoku Period (1467 – 1615) Japan.

Sadly this is an improvement for the series.

Now the thing with the Sengoku Period is that it is an area of history where we have some good evidence of female professional warriors (onna-musha) being around (though their role has historically been downplayed and so the specifics are unclear) and we have some artwork depicting what they might have looked like…  unsurprisingly the armour they wore was the same as the men’s.  

When not in armour, they are understood to have worn clothes typical of feudal Japan… basically the opposite of this outfit.


So… how can this be an improvement?  Well from Samurai Warriors 1 – 4 the equivalent character was a kunoichi who’s name is… Kunoichi and is… *checks notes* apparently fifteen years old…


And, again… I want to stress… there are real women from his era with artistic depictions of them available, so for a game where most of the cast are historical figures… this is um… well I don’t need to tell you.

I didn’t say it was a big improvement… or one worth congratulating them on, but it is at least a very minor improvement… very, very minor.


Very, very, very minor.

– wincenworks

Dead or Alive 5: Last Round is getting a new character from Samurai Warriors

The part I find saddest about this, amazingly, is not that even Naotora Ii seems to realize how tacky these outfits are (based off her expression in the last image).  

It’s that people from both the Dead or Alive and the Samurai Warriors team seem to think these costumes are clever and a good idea.  That’s two teams of decision makers seem to think that these are a way to stand out and be unique.

Only three months after Soul Calibur: Lost Swords closed down, and as terrible, ridiculous and horrifying as their outfits were – at least they were being innovative in their quest for terrible costume ideas.

– wincenworks

Dead or Alive 5: Last Round is getting a new character from Samurai Warriors

The part I find saddest about this, amazingly, is not that even Naotora Ii seems to realize how tacky these outfits are (based off her expression in the last image).  

It’s that people from both the Dead or Alive and the Samurai Warriors team seem to think these costumes are clever and a good idea.  That’s two teams of decision makers seem to think that these are a way to stand out and be unique.

Only three months after Soul Calibur: Lost Swords closed down, and as terrible, ridiculous and horrifying as their outfits were – at least they were being innovative in their quest for terrible costume ideas.

– wincenworks