Zero Suit Samus’ Heels: Why it’s a Big Deal and Why You Should Care



So the thing I keep hearing is that Samus’s new Zero Suit design from SSB4 is okay because “they’re not actually high heels, they’re jet boots.”


But before we get into that: why is it a big deal that Samus is wearing heels in the first place?

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Great article regarding character and costume design of Samus Aran throughout the years. Things to learn from it:

  • why slapping “jet boots” label on high heels doesn’t justify the heels
  • what Samus’s appearance conveyed in the old Metroid games and what it does now
  • why is Zero Suit worse than a two-piece skin revealing costume Samus used to have
  • how the recent games betrayed Zero Suit’s original purpose

I highly recommend reading it whole!


In addition, Shattered Earth did a great breakdown on the “Jet Boots” (Dr Evil air quotes there) and explored what they might have looked like if they were designed with purpose here.

– wincenworks

This week’s blast from the past: great breakdown of the infamous Samus’s “jet boots” which happen to look exactly like really badly designed and anatomically impossible high heels

Also, as a reader, Ceithir, reminded us, our blog never featured this concept art from Metroid Fusion, which confirms that Zero Suit was never meant to involve impossibly high heeled footwear.


Well that priority sure survived for long…



Zero Suit Samus’ Heels: Why it’s a Big Deal and Why You Should Care



So the thing I keep hearing is that Samus’s new Zero Suit design from SSB4 is okay because “they’re not actually high heels, they’re jet boots.”


But before we get into that: why is it a big deal that Samus is wearing heels in the first place?

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Great article regarding character and costume design of Samus Aran throughout the years. Things to learn from it:

  • why slapping “jet boots” label on high heels doesn’t justify the heels
  • what Samus’s appearance conveyed in the old Metroid games and what it does now
  • why is Zero Suit worse than a two-piece skin revealing costume Samus used to have
  • how the recent games betrayed Zero Suit’s original purpose

I highly recommend reading it whole!


In addition, Shattered Earth did a great breakdown on the “Jet Boots” (Dr Evil air quotes there) and explored what they might have looked like if they were designed with purpose here.

– wincenworks

This week’s blast from the past: great breakdown of the infamous Samus’s “jet boots” which happen to look exactly like really badly designed and anatomically impossible high heels

Also, as a reader, Ceithir, reminded us, our blog never featured this concept art from Metroid Fusion, which confirms that Zero Suit was never meant to involve impossibly high heeled footwear.


Well that priority sure survived for long…



Obstacle Run in Armour – a Short Film by Daniel Jaquet

Obstacle Run in Armour – a Short Film by Daniel Jaquet

Obstacle Run in Armour – a Short Film by Daniel Jaquet

Obstacle Run in Armour – a Short Film by Daniel Jaquet

@sartoriainsulindica​ submitted:

(Otherwise known as: Daniel is at it again!)

Would you like to help destroy the myth that bikini armor can somehow be justified with the explanation that it’s necessary for agility because plate armor is too bulky to move in? 

Of course you would!

Daniel Jaquet, creator of two videos (1, 2) we’ve featured, among other examples, plans to make a video demonstrating how it is possible to run a modern day military obstacle course in a full harness set.

– wincenworks


Sword Hero #1…. Real Sonja!
Billed in her Marvel profile as one of the greatest sword-fighting martial artists and in peak physical condition, Red Sonja most often appears in inane poses and wearing lingerie clothing that would get one killed in real alpine environments, let alone in combat- or just walking into a traditional village in some parts of the world.

There have been exciting redesigns in recent times, yet I thought I’d contribute my own vision of what Real Sonja could be with dignity, medieval martial arts skills and sensible clothes.

Real Sonja is beautiful, but not glamorous. Her boots are muddy, her chainmail broken and rusted in places. Her skin is scarred.
Since Sonja is supposedly Russ or Ukrainian, I’ve borrowed elements of Russian infantry kit from the 13th century, whilst inventing a plausible armour rig that keeps her style of form-fitting chain/scalemail with exposed arms and loose hair. Her boots and an undershirt are lined with fur, and her hair is half-bound back from her face in a warrior’s braid. 

I have closed the rectangular holes in her gloves and filled them with bands of tough leather. Sonja wears a sleeveless quilted aketon beneath her chainmail, which is strapped over with several belts and a flesh-coloured gorget of un-dyed leather. Her pants are also flesh-coloured, allowing her to visually rock the traditional Sonja look but with the practicality of actual clothing.

I’d like to think that she has a big warm cloak somewhere nearby, along with a bag, more weapons, her missing dagger and a horse. This is a practical, experienced outdoor woman who would be well prepared for harsh conditions.

Sonja’s sword technique is straight from Fiore de’i Liberi’s ‘Flower of Battle’, (the Getty version) and her stance is as close as possible to the victorious figure in the original manuscript (bottom left of folio 29r).
In this section of the book Fiore is teaching close sword plays, and this is one of many variations on how to deal with an opponent whilst fighting at intimate distance. Of this move Fiore says,
“Se uno se covra de la parte riversa piglia la sua mane stancha cum la man stancha, cum tutto lu pomo de la sua spada e penzilo in dredo e cum punta e taglio ben lo po’ ferire.”
“If he (your opponent) covers from his left side, grab his left hand including his pommel with your left hand, and pull it upwards and backwards. From there you will be able to strike him with thrusts and cuts.”*

(*Translated to modern English by Colin Hatcher, via the Wiktenauer)

A reinterpretation of Red Sonja by real life swordswoman Samantha Swords combined with techniques from actual fighting manuals is simply pure awesome.

I particularly like the use of the flesh toned leather to give a similar silhouette to visible mail without going for the same exposed cleavage that seems to have haunted Red Sonja for decades.

It’s a great demonstration of how even if you really want to cultivate a nod to a past look, you don’t need to perpetuate all the problems from that look.

– wincenworks

Can you move in armour? An Experiment in Mythbusting

On the topic of robust plate armor and the kinds of activity one might do in it, Medievalist recently did an in depth article discussing mobility in plate armor and the sorts of training those who wore it did in order to ensure they could fight effectively.

Whenever someone cites bikini armor as being “for mobility” it’s important to remember that this idea is from 70s pulp, specifically RPGs that needed to give a reason why someone would wear less robust armor and comics that wanted to show off sexy ladies as often as possible.

It has literally no basis in reality and was never employed by any serious warriors anywhere… well at least none that survived a battle.

Thank you to those who brought this article and video to our attention!

– wincenworks