Empowered Gentlemen of Paladins

Being an Overwatch clone made by the same studio as SMITE, Paladins of course lacks in the department of male empowerment. So we decided to fix that.

Lex the Silver Fox

Not unlike with Arhian, I decided to change character with platinum blonde/near white hair into an older person who grew into this silvery shade. Also Lex happens to remind me a lot of my OC who is an older, handsome gentleman, so I gave him similar facial hair. 


As with many other my sexy male redesigns, like PoseidonLoki or male Witch, I decided to reduce the amount of skin covering without changing the silhouette significantly.
I concluded that the little capes on his arms and sides should stay, as the shapes that most define his costume. I also left most of his belts, but had to repaint them a different shade, as they turned out to blend with his skin tone too much. 


I’ve spent some extra time and attention on detailing the

thigh muscles, abs and crotch bulge. Also a happy trail linking the latter two.


Jenos the Tease

We ended up both doing white-haired characters for the stream, but I decided to make mine more shy, by empowered man standards. The biggest edits were to his chest and upper thighs. I removed his shirt and opened up his coat to show off his Hot Bod, but still leaving a bit covered up for that ~mystery~ element. I gave him cutouts around his crotch to show off some leg as well.


Then there were a lot of small changes: A bit of body hair on the legs and torso, longer hair in the front to further frame that collarbone, and blushing cheeks. His face was actually not made of ugly rocks covered by skin, so I didn’t have to change it!

I’m still not sure about the tall underwear, and I could have definitely shown off more of his legs, but this is a more covered-up empowered man. It’s like when boobplate and pants on a woman are considered “good” because it’s not a bikini! You can’t even see his nipples, it’s totally acceptable for combat.


In case anyone forgot that Paladins comes from the same developer as SMITE (if you couldn’t tell by their absolutely “creative” designs), here’s original costume of Furia, one of their newest champions. 

Somehow even people at HiRez concluded that visible panties and completely out-of place garter belts are too ridiculous combination, because apparently after some fan feedback she received a slight redesign that includes pants under those garters.


Fret not, perverts! Her original look is preserved through red recolor “Iron Maiden” skin! 


And just in case you wondered whether some actually creative designs got discarded during Furia’s development, don’t worry! No matter how many revisions she went through, there was always at least one “beloved” Female Armor Bingo element in there, like boobplate, cleavage/boob window or otherwise uncovered skin! 



h/t: @randomrobin 

Seris, the Oracle of Nothing

I decided to do a redesign of the oracle Seris from Paladins basically 5 minutes after I first saw her design. It was just so… disjointed. The leather top, the pointless belts, the tassel on her magical orb… Ugh. It told me absolutely nothing about her. That purple orb was the only indicator of her oracle-ness.

The only things I liked were: the hood (for the most part), the shawl, and the geometric designs on her skirt. I kept those, and decided to go with a moth-y motif overall, making the shawl longer and adding the top with wing-like tips. I really did not like the color scheme, so I added more light grey and some black, getting rid of all the we-need-another-color-but-got-no-ideas brown.

I made her float (though it’s a bit hard to tell), as it seemed fitting to me since she has an in-game ability of becoming invisible by stepping into a parallel dimension. It’s a symbolic detachment from the material dimension, as well as making her feel a bit more alien. She is supposed to be an oracle, after all. It also fixes her proportions a bit.

I took a few sessions to get to an idea I liked, and then a few hours to execute it. I probably would have added more details to her top, if I had the time. This redesign is back from the days when I was trying to redesign basically everything, which we’ve moved away from since then.


nicksuckseggs submitted (and Ozzie bingo’d)

This is the newest addition to High-Rez’s hero fighter, “Paladins” who is one of the more interesting characters on their roster as far as her character goes, but that just makes it so much more disappointing that this is the design they ended up going with. This full screen image was the first thing I was greeted with upon logging in after the latest patch.

My biggest question is how she’s going to find the person who stole the rest of her outfit (and mangled her spine?) with that blindfold on, and hopefully that necklace doesn’t impale itself into her chest while she’s chasing them. 

The one positive I find in this creatively sterile design* is the fact that Seris, unlike most Paladins champions, isn’t a direct or indirect ripoff of any Overwatch character.
Though it won’t surprise me if she was heavily influenced by someone from a more fantasy-oriented franchise, like LoL or WoW… or maybe Warmachine [x]:



*Seriously, this is the top stock illustration for a “blind sorceress” that google proposes.

@nicksuckseggs​ submitted:

I don’t know if anyone has submitted anything from this game yet, but his is Skye from a fairly new game from Hi-Rez called “Paladins – Champions of the Realm” and it’s basically a free to play version of Overwatch. Skye is one of four or five characters but she is by far the worst in my opinion. Her costume is bad enough but my favorite part is the fact that her right leg is somehow transcending dimensions to that it ended up behind her left leg without bending. She kind of fits into the assassin archetype. She’s supposed to be fast and stealthy so I guess maybe having reality altering legs might be helpful for that somehow.

Skye’s outfit actually score surprisingly okay on the bingo, mostly because it’s not about showing skin but rather projecting a message.


Seems fine at first glance? Sure.  But this is how Skye is introduced to you if you select her as your Champion in Paladins.


This was how she got introduced in their “meet the Champions trailer”:


It worth noting that Skye’s appearance is so ridiculous and lacking in credibility, she is the only hero who they show in action first before doing the intro cinematic or letting you see her from a third person view.

Hi-Rez apparently managed to make a sexy female assassin who’s less intimidating than Widowmaker due to “can we fap to this” being her only character concept design priority, then chickening out and putting black skin tight material over most of her skin.

– wincenworks

So, HiRez (of SMITE fame) have released Paladins into open beta and well, Cassie is one of their heroes – actually one of their more hardcore looking female heroes.  After all, this is their promo banner:


– wincenworks

So, HiRez (of SMITE fame) have released Paladins into open beta and well, Cassie is one of their heroes – actually one of their more hardcore looking female heroes.  After all, this is their promo banner:


– wincenworks