Tidy Up Tuesday #95

Reminder to all first-time readers (who likely won’t even see this post) that questioning the very idea of criticizing any costume design isn’t a good look when you’re reblogging from a costume design critique blog


Please stop linking us that ignorant “armor expert” YouTuber’s videos about boobplates. 

Even casual scroll through our resource and reference tags would lead you to really good (often older than the videos in question) debunks about boob armor from people who, unlike him, make and/or wear armor for its intended use. Some of which, unlike him, are women and maaaybe have more expertise on what it’s like to have boobs under a breastplate. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 

Read this one, for starters. 


You’re welcome to use our Female Armor Bingo to play bingo with the characters you see in media. Make sure to read the rules, and to tag us in the posts!


Things we addressed before: 


~Ozzie, -wincenworks & – Icy

Tidy Up Tuesday #94

Back to addressing some stuff that accumulated over the last month! 

As always, please don’t submit (or tag us under) content that isn’t credited and can’t be easily traced back to its author(s). 

It should REALLY not need to be said at this point, but bikini armor or otherwise sexualized female outfits are the absolute opposite of a costume that enhances the wearer’s mobility. That’s the kind of nonsense that gave us the Female Armor Rhetoric Bingo in the first place.


If that was actually the case, you’d think there would be more museums showcasing metal speedo armor.

Check out this sweet redesign of the mushroom lady who previously had a serious case of suspicious dimorphism (which we posted before) by @deliciousboondollarsandwich!

Things we posted before: 

~Ozzie, -wincenworks, & -Icy

No Stream This Week

It hasn’t been a great few months for our weekly streams, as things keep getting in the way. We will try to continue our Hot Marvel Dudes redesigns next week.

Thanks for bearing with us!

~Ozzie and Icy

Tidy Up Tuesday #93

Re: Demon Hunter redesign 

Some readers notified us that redraws which include crotch bulges for characters I reimagined as trans women are fetishistic and transphobic. I should have known better than to depict trans bodies in that way and I apologize sincerely. It goes directly against BABD’s philosophy of not reducing people, especially members of vulnerable groups, to body parts. I promise to do better in the future. 


Re: Harley Quinn design deterioration 

We have to disagree strongly with the idea that she (or any other fictional woman) needs to show a lot of skin while in combat to express that she’s a sexually liberated character.

As a commenter on one of the old posts on that said, great thing about the original Harley in Batman: TAS was that instead of being a 24/7 femme fatale (like most other villainesses), she dressed and acted sexy specifically for the occasion of having actual sex. 


Compare also to our critique of Starfire, another superhero comic woman known for being openly sexual in her private life whose “sexy” costumes make zero sense in context of fighting. 

PS: If you can’t find Harley’s original bodypaint skin tight catsuit sexy enough without removing 80% of its coverage, we’re really worried for you. 

~Ozzie, – wincenworks & -Icy 

Things Keep Getting in the way of our Livestream

Stuff just keep happening, and right when we were about to do a sexy man stream. This time it’s a mysterious injury! Perhaps Icy’s been cursed.

We’ll hopefully be back next weekend. Sorry for all the cancellations lately.

~Ozzie and Icy

Tidy Up Tuesday #92

Time to answer some more recent and returning inquiries! 

Just heads up: we’re less likely to make a post based on a “Can you talk about XYZ?” question in our inbox than on a submission that includes image(s) and even most laconic description on what the design/character is. 

Speaking of which, any sort of submission, positive or negative, is welcome, as long as it’s sourced and if the negative ones come from commercial projects. 

Casual reminder that if you think that criticizing how fictional characters are designed is the same as slut shaming, you either a) didn’t read enough of this blog or b) you made up your mind before coming here and this site is not for you. 

Other things we addressed before: 

~Ozzie, – wincenworks & -Icy