Better Identification of Viking Corpses Reveals: Half of the Warriors Were Female |
Better Identification of Viking Corpses Reveals: Half of the Warriors Were Female |
Re-identification of Viking corpses has revealed that half of their warriors were female.“Researchers at the University of Western Australia decided to revamp the way they studied Viking remains. Previously, researchers had misidentified skeletons as male simply because they were buried with their swords and shields. (Female remains were identified by their oval brooches, and not much else.) By studying osteological signs of gender within the bones themselves, researchers discovered that approximately half of the remains were actually female warriors, given a proper burial with their weapons.”
Women have always fought. We have always been there, ‘contributing to history’. Our own, modern sexism contributes to the erasure of it.
(Bolding mine)
Sadly not completely accurate. They couldn’t confirm that half of them were warriors (it was a small sample size) – but it did confirm that the methods that had previously been used to determine the sex of the corpses were incorrect.
Specifically that even though it is well known that Vikings had great warrior women in their ranks, archaeologists frequently assume their remains belonged to a man unless they’re have only traditionally "female” items on them. This is because “history” as we know it is interpretation of evidence, and sometime the interpreters are both sexist and lacking in imagination.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that women in history didn’t fight and never, ever let anyone tell you that fiction shouldn’t include badass warrior women.
– wincenworks
I wasn’t keeping up with E3 but the Valkyrie from the Gauntlet game actually has practical armor???
Well, I’m a little disappointed that they seem to have gone with three men and a token woman approach (not that I had high hopes for Gauntlet – one of the original “kill everything that moves or doesn’t move” games), but looking at the most revealing outfit they’re showcasing for her:
I can’t stay mad at her… look at her!
– wincenworks
Black Widow wielding Mjolnir
melredcap submitted:
This outfit doesn’t actually hit that many squares on your (awesome) bingo card, but it’s still so, soooo bad. Leaving aside the question of whether Natasha’s clothes need to change when she picks up the hammer (they don’t)… and leaving aside that awful duckface pout and pose (eeergh)… can I just say ‘yuck’?
- Lingerie-shaped
- Looks nothing like (Thor’s) version of the same outfit
- Cleavage… maybe?
- Boobplate. BAD boobplate.
- Thigh-high boots (okay, barely)
- No pants
- Metal worn directly on bare skin
Can’t tell from this frame whether or not she’s wearing a thong, high heels, or underwear, or whether it covers her back (though I guess the cloak does even if her stupid metal bustier doesn’t); and if you want to count the wingy helmet, you could argue for ‘sharp ornamental edges’. 😛
I’m as excited about Natasha proving to be worthy of Thor’s weapon as anyone else, but WOW is her resulting look stupid.
Also I would not leave the question if Natasha’s clothes needed to change aside. All the evidence suggests that heroes who wield Mjolnir (out of which Captain America is probably the most famous example) don’t usually go through magical wardrobe transformation.
So not only did the comic makers decide for an unnecessary redesign, they made it awful (and painfully generic) to boot. Seems like goddesses can’t get a break at being designed with idiotic costumes.
So that’s who bought Madonna’s Gaultier bra!
– wincenworks
paleltuma submitted:
That does not look like a very practical armor, not to even mention that fighting stance. It also looks like poor Valkyrie’s breasts are running away from her face.
As bad as skin-tight metal armor is, it’s even worse when the breast formed parts aren’t even in the right place! The poor girl!
It would be truly a horrific curse to be trapped in such a metal prison, unable to move or even breathe without crushing pain and mega chaffing. She can do nothing as the world’s worst archer fires arrows at unlikely angles towards her.
That is the story this cover is trying to tell right?
– wincenworks
edit: Since the image apparently was deleted from its external sever, here it is: