Tekken 7 producer slams ‘ill-informed’ critics
Let’s end this week right, with a discussion of the most desperate and hilarious attempt at comparisons between double standards to date – even more desperate than when he claimed jiggle physics were just realism.
During the interview Harada claims that Tekken contains a character (Ganryu) who is a sumo – and that people might think that he was just an inappropriately dressed man if they didn’t understand Japanese culture.
To understand how hilarious this is, we first need to recognize a few facts:
- The mawashi is an item of sport attire that has remained in use for literally centuries
- Sumo is an exceptionally widely known sport, as is that it originates from Japan
- There has been a sumo character appearing in high profile Japanese fighting games since 1991
- Sumo is culturally linked not just to Japan’s sport but also it’s religion and cultural history
- This cut-scene exists in a Katsuhiro Harada game (and an early one at that)
With all that we’ve just considered, let’s briefly remember that the most immediate Tekken scandal was a swimsuit pack, that Harada seems to be unsure about himself and can’t seem to link to Japanese culture in any way, shape or form.
Since Harada wouldn’t elaborate more on how it’s cultural other than to rant about “SJWs”, let’s look at a previous Tekken 7 scandal (from 2014) and that involved a distinctly Japanese character that was poorly received by many people assumed to be “uninformed critics”:

It’s important to remember: Lucky Chloe did make it into the release of Tekken 7, but despite the name drop in the interview Ganryu didn’t! At least not to date, the game still hasn’t had it’s really-final-for-sure release, but Harada’s latest comment on his beloved sumo character?

It’s almost what he’s really upset about is that he’s not receiving unconditional praise for making something (that’s supposed to be a widely distributed commercial piece of media) just for himself at the expense of others…

– wincenworks