Genderbending cosplay is nothing new, we see it all the time. Usually it’s hot chicks dressed as sluttier versions of male characters, but we rarely see manly-men, like Dr. Teng above, dressed as scantily-clad lady characters.
I’d actually kind of like to see this idea pushed all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum — like dudes cosplaying as super suave and macho versions of half-nekkid chicks. I wonder if the character’s would even still be recognizable.
(top pic via Anna Fischer)
CHECK IT: More cosplay posts on
BUY: Cosplay Made In Japan (Japanese Edition)omg
I fucking love this!
@bikiniarmorbattledamage some empowering male cosplay and a lovely example of giving men the same skimpy outfits as their female counterparts. A truly wonderful cosplay, if I do say so.
Always open to a sexy male take on Tomb Raider! We had a CG 3D one and 2D colored pencil one on the blog already, so real life version is welcome as well!
This really is an equal opportunity sexy costume.
Lara Croft still doesn’t know how to put a damn top on
Lara Croft still doesn’t know how to put a damn top on
One day… one day we may see a Tomb Raider game where the Lara has gear that looks the bare minimum for what she should have brought or will be about a power fantasy. The current trend of making everything gritty and “realistic” while having Lara in a tank top and basically slowly killing herself by scratches and abrasions really needs to go.
In the early games she at least came across as an unstoppable badass… now she comes across as unable to understand how clothing works.
– wincenworks
Lara Croft still doesn’t know how to put a damn top on
Lara Croft still doesn’t know how to put a damn top on
One day… one day we may see a Tomb Raider game where the Lara has gear that looks the bare minimum for what she should have brought or will be about a power fantasy. The current trend of making everything gritty and “realistic” while having Lara in a tank top and basically slowly killing herself by scratches and abrasions really needs to go.
In the early games she at least came across as an unstoppable badass… now she comes across as unable to understand how clothing works.
– wincenworks
Women at E3 2015
Anonymous submitted:
Hey, awesome blog! You’ve already made a post about Emily Kaldwin in Dishonored 2, but I just wanted to ask your opinion on this year’s E3 in general. Not only were there more women presenters than ever, but signs of real progress when it comes to representation for women:

As noted, Emily from Dishonored 2!

The shieldmaiden from Eitr!

Lara Croft from Rise of the Tomb Raider, having finally exchanged her 90s male-gaze outfit for something one would actually raid a tomb with!

Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn! I think there’s still a discussion to be had here about cultural appropriation, but at least she was designed as a hunter rather than eye candy.

The protagonist from Recore!

Evie Frye from AC: Syndicate! I’m still really cynical about the fact that she’s more or less an add-on to her brother’s story and that she does the stealthy bits while her brother does the punchy bits, but her outfit is very reasonable.

Rae from Beyond Eyes! It’s great to see more non-violent games on display too.

The mercs from Dirty Bomb!

And of course, Faith from Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst.
The majority of characters on display are still white and slim, but it’s a noticeable improvement from last year – and it was nice to hear cheers from the audience when it was announced that women were playable in FIFA and Fallout 4.
Thank you the line up. While certainly are issues with each individual game and depiction it is great that this year E3′s character line up included many badass women who are dressed to get shit done.
I sincerely hope this will become an ongoing trend in video games and one that lasts a long, long time. We shall certainly have more to say on various titles as time and further information is released.
For those interested, the Mary Sue also did a post on games with female protagonists that includes the promotional videos.
– wincenworks
Women at E3 2015
Anonymous submitted:
Hey, awesome blog! You’ve already made a post about Emily Kaldwin in Dishonored 2, but I just wanted to ask your opinion on this year’s E3 in general. Not only were there more women presenters than ever, but signs of real progress when it comes to representation for women:

As noted, Emily from Dishonored 2!

The shieldmaiden from Eitr!

Lara Croft from Rise of the Tomb Raider, having finally exchanged her 90s male-gaze outfit for something one would actually raid a tomb with!

Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn! I think there’s still a discussion to be had here about cultural appropriation, but at least she was designed as a hunter rather than eye candy.

The protagonist from Recore!

Evie Frye from AC: Syndicate! I’m still really cynical about the fact that she’s more or less an add-on to her brother’s story and that she does the stealthy bits while her brother does the punchy bits, but her outfit is very reasonable.

Rae from Beyond Eyes! It’s great to see more non-violent games on display too.

The mercs from Dirty Bomb!

And of course, Faith from Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst.
The majority of characters on display are still white and slim, but it’s a noticeable improvement from last year – and it was nice to hear cheers from the audience when it was announced that women were playable in FIFA and Fallout 4.
Thank you the line up. While certainly are issues with each individual game and depiction it is great that this year E3′s character line up included many badass women who are dressed to get shit done.
I sincerely hope this will become an ongoing trend in video games and one that lasts a long, long time. We shall certainly have more to say on various titles as time and further information is released.
For those interested, the Mary Sue also did a post on games with female protagonists that includes the promotional videos.
– wincenworks