As requested by @oldmanskeleton – Boudica from Fate Grand Order.
I’ll be real with you here. This isn’t really an armor fix. There was nothing to work with here. This is a full on redesign. I based her more on the depictions of the historical person because she looked badass.
There was nothing to work with here indeed.
Fate’s absolutely abysmal treatment of Boudica, a warrior queen from Britain’s ancient history, is the logical conclusion of pushing the “Covers only nipples and genitals on the torso” bingo square to the extreme.
The blatant disregard of how clothes (and physics) work makes me wish she just wore two pasties and a c-string, which would be more honest and realistic skimpy costume than… whatever the fuck that thing on her boobs is supposed to be.
I really love what you did with this non-costume, @enecola! Kept the only even remotely interesting part, the poofy sleeves, and put her in an actual dress, while using the original… thing’s… color scheme. Was a simple frock really too hard of an idea for the creeps behind Fate franchise?
Literally the only thing even vaguely non-creepy about the original design is how she gains more (still very sexualized) clothes with level-ups, instead of losing them.

Though, from where she started, there was room only for (strictly technical) progress, I suppose.
Read about historic Queen Boudica on: Wikipedia | @rejectedprincesses site/blog | Take Back Halloween [content warning for mentions of sexual assault and violence in the descriptions]