
Bloodborne board game – official art by

Adrián Prado

Can we all appreciate how entirely gender-neutral all of those costume designs are?

~ Ozzie

Perhaps one of the biggest keys to the success of Bloodborne and Dark Souls is the incredible focus they have on the goals of their games.

It really shows what you can accomplish.

And it really shows that ridiculous female armor is not something enhances fantasy horror or cosmic horror.

Who knew!?

– wincenworks

So, apparently they decided to make a Dark Souls comic – which is awesome. However the company they chose to adapt it to comic format is Titan, the people who brought us:

Now, presumably they received a lot of information such as source materials, concept art, etc but still took it upon themselves to give their heroine a ridiculous boobplate.

It’s impossible to even look into this matter without finding imagery that is both amazingly preposterous, and yet also perfect “reaction” images to the situation.


So what should have been a great positive example is now a cautionary tale about how even great properties can slide into ridiculous female armor territory as they expand markets.

– wincenworks

(ht: @badwolfwho1)

@tangleworm submitted:

You’re damn right, Dark Souls 3.

I’m so glad to see Dark Souls are going to be continuing this tradition.  If only more games would be like you…

…I mean in the gender equality way, not in the punishing difficulty way.

– wincenworks




Hey other game devs:


Same character. Try again.


Please. Why would you do this to yourself

#Why would you put yourself in a position of being so easily disproven by anybody who has Dark Souls #that’s a lot of people #don’t be an ass

That “debunk” attempt gets a sad trombone and no redos.



Charmingly they later tried to spin it as “well could be a Ms Male Character” – displaying an amazing lack of understanding of the trope.

As a side note, please don’t bother our debunker – they’ve already declared they are not interested in learning to improve and no amount of contact will change that (their blog is also very NSFW).

– wincenworks