Okay, so we’ve received approximately… more requests than I can bother to count to comment on Blizzard finally announcing Brigitte Lindholm as a playable character and releasing her on the test server.
Now, initially I put off commenting on this because she had only one skin and the minimum features to allow people to play her on the test server. This felt suspicious to me, because put simply: The default skin is, in isolation, good:

There are minor issues, such as her hair, waist and the weird hip cape designed to remind us she has a (presumably sexy) butt.
However, once the Legendary skins came out, the conversation became more complicated (expect more posts in the near future) because well, the come in two themes (knight and mechanic) and… let’s just look at them:

Yes, it seems that while someone at the Overwatch art team managed to get her primary look to be pretty good, the powers that be decided her Legendary Skins (ie the prestigious ones) need to have the standard sexualized nonsense.
On top of that, despite that visually she is a distaff Reinhardt (who still does not have a sculpted codpiece) and her video announcing she is not content to be a support character and wants to tank… she is Support:

Reminder: She maintains all Reinhardt’s gear… so there’s no in game explanation why her shield is roughly one third the strength.
Also, while there is some joking about her being a copy of a Paladins character (that would be the ultimate irony), I can’t help but think I’ve seen this shield and flail combination somewhere in a Blizzard game before…

Overwatch, supposed to be Blizzard doing women characters better.
– wincenworks