“You’re keeping the outfit, right?”
I feel like @copperbadge should be tagged for this.
I want to know what sort of stays are needed to keep that from flapping and how it won’t end up puncturing a lung. It’s beautiful and I want fiction exploring these and other questions.
I feel like maybe he has that “invisible” lycra on under it like figure-skaters are required to use to hold their bits of their costumes together.
Or maybe some form of magnets.
@bikiniarmorbattledamage because ey, male empowerment!
Okay, that is some FINE redesign of Nomad’s classic outfit into MCU costume style! @hopeless–geek has legit understanding of what were the most iconic parts of the original and translated them really well into how Marvel heroes dress in the films.

I mean, if Steve does abandon the name of Captain America in the movies, why wouldn’t he go for the empowerment of deep cleavage?
Clearly, as a character no longer aligned with his previous iconography, he totally should go just for bare skin on his chest instead of a new emblem or a blank top. It so totally worked for DC as an explanation for Power Girl’s boob window, didn’t it?

Yeah, right.
As we all know, the deeper the neckline, the deeper the character. And this design is still canon!

I want to believe.
@theghostrobot submitted:
Marvel Puzzle Quest just debuted their original take on Captain America!

Okay, now does anyone know how we get this expanded into a three movies, a TV show and her own video game?
– wincenworks
Look at all this empowerment! How could anyone doubt the heroism of these figures?
– wincenworks