
straight boys: Silly feminists, it’s okay for women to be depicted with little to no armor. Look at Conan, he’s totally the same thing!

straight boys: *playing FF12* Vaan, put on a damn shirt you’RE MAKING ME FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE 

straight boys: *reacting to new male protagonist’s skimpy armor* Squeenix pls stop 

straight boys: But yeah, Conan. Totally the same thing. And you don’t see us complaining!


Perfect summary of this "controversy".



Give me a videogame with an option for skimpy bikini armor on both genders but if you wear it your character dies really easily so you have to be really skilled at the game in order to play with said armor

filipfatalattractionrblog proposed something similar once, with skimpy armor making you more vulnerable, but gaining you stamina-based accomplishments.

I really wanna see such mechanic employed in a big name mainstream game.


In before people start citing a bunch of RPG-type games where you can remove your gear: It’s not the same as having actual gear that showcases the absurd extra danger of bikini armor within the mechanics.  Even if it diminishes general stats.

It’s just not the same for really highlighting how exposed that gear would make you, and gives you suitable feedback for overcoming it.

– wincenworks


bhunivelzes replied to your link “Steam Curator: GamerGate Recommends”

“The artists from the game were heavily harassed because of the female armor in the game and were forced into self-censoring.” …self-censoring…

thats the kind of language these people use. …. .


Wow, no kidding!

It appears that GamerGate made Thierry “Save the Boobplate” Van Gyseghem into a martyr for their ‘noble’ cause.

If that’s not hilarious, then what is?


Professional artist expected to do his job… oh the humanity!

– wincenworks