

things that don’t break white male gamer’s immersion: dragons, magic, made up metals, impossibly large weapons, eating 50 potatoes while in combat, riding a horse up a 90 degree cliff

things that break white male gamer’s immersion: realistic armor for women, black people

Also, transgender people.

This week’s throwback: a post we originally reblogged from ever-invaluable @medievalpoc​. Bringing it back as it’s basically text version of that Kasia Babis comic we featured last weekend. 

This time reblogging from @big-wired, who was smart enough to convert it from garbage chat post format into a text one AND made a valuable addition to the list of things that (cis) white males can’t handle in games (and other media) because ‘historical accuracy’… in largely fantasy worlds.

Though we would be here all day if we were to list ALL the common and perfectly normal (often historically accurate) kinds of things and people that “ruin” the immersion of a Status Quo Warrior gamer dudebro. 
