While Grimm Fairy Tales is an extremely low-hanging fruit, I couldn’t help but snicker at how “creative” not only the costume, but all of those covers with the same heroine are – at least two poses get reused a lot with very slight modifications, like a closeup. And her expression on a vast majority is all the same.

Also it sums up GFT’s “mastery” at conveying character through their design – I suppose this is meant to be Snow White by the apple motif on her arm-warmer and the vaguely Disney-esque color scheme (aaand that alternative #2 cover).
Though didn’t she wear glasses and dress differently in those comics? Is that… a reboot? No, apparently it’s a sequel series and this is her daughter. Even in a legacy-based relaunch, Zenoscope isn’t capable of changing the status quo. 

But, of course, random conventionally attractive women in battle leotards* posing “sexily” with swords totally tell me all I need to know about this mature take on fairy tale stories and characters.


I wonder what they could have been inspired by…


I mean we all knew, but I just wanted to put it here so it highlights the @eschergirls type anatomy.

– wincenworks

That… “outfit”… looks like crap. Tagging this for a livestream somewhere down the line, hope y’all look forward to it.


*Should I really call it that? It looks like a mix of lingerie, swimsuit and bodypaint.


So, after getting many reader suggestions and taking time to process the info, we took a closer look at what people behind the upcoming Wonder Woman movie have to say about the ridiculously mediocre Amazon boob armors which the film is going to feature… And wow, was it a ride of predictable rhetoric and obliviousness to blatant double standard. I sincerely hoped the whole bingo card wouldn’t be necessary, yet here we are.

Indeed, Patty Jenkins, the director, also played the “men are sexualized too” card:

I, as a woman, want Wonder Woman to be hot as hell, fight badass, and look great at the same time – the same way men want Superman to have huge pecs and an impractically big body. That makes them feel like the hero they want to be. And my hero, in my head, has really long legs.

Because that: 


Has TOTALLY the same costuming priorities as this: 


With lines like that, maybe Jenkins and the costume designer, Lindy Hemming, aim to be the Mari Shimazakis of Hollywood… Except Diana of Themyscira is not Bayonetta, so “she’s supposed to be very sexy and I as a lady find it empowering” excuses do not really work, even in


context of character agency. Because Wonder Woman is so much more than “looking like a supermodel while kicking ass”.

As a reblogger, @meishuu pointed out, that Oglaf strip was pretty much what the director said.


I want to be optimistic and am gonna assume that the crew is contractually obligated to endorse every choice made about the movie, no matter how ridiculous it is when you think about it for more than a second.


more Female Armor Rhetoric Bingo on BABD

Since the Wonder Woman movie premieres tomorrow, let’s remember what absurd explanations its director had for the weirdly sexualized, boobplate-y armor which the Amazons sport in the story. Seems like nonsense rhetoric for how female characters dress is common in DC Expanded Universe films

What makes it funnier, the flat sandals Gal Gadot wore on the red carpet during the premiere would make much more believable footwear for Greek mythology-based warriors than the high heels they wear in the movie. 


That being said, please don’t read it as an endorsement to boycott Wonder Woman in cinemas. Critics have been saying some great and interesting things about it, so if you decide to watch it, remember that you can enjoy the movie while being critical of its flaws (like costumes that contradict the story’s message).
Still, be watchful of both what’s communicated on screen and behind the scenes, cause those things say a lot about how female-led stories are viewed in the industry. 
