welcome to video game!!!!!! customize your character; but first, choose your gender:
in case anyone thought this was an exaggeration
TERA is such a bad joke of a game. And not only that, but female characters all wear super-skimpy outfits and lean way the hell over so that you can see their panties when they run.
I mean, nothing against fanservice (although I prefer mine a bit more equal-opportunity). This game, however, is just…tawdry. Like something out of a particularly bad adult manhwa.
Also, I remember a discussion in which the scummy fanboys broke out literally every scummy fanboy derailing tactic in the book (plus a Godwin or two and an accusation of “shaming” the characters). So…there’s also the matter of the brand of fan it attracts.
Ah, TERA Online. Once upon a time, I played (and enjoyed) the closed Beta, up to the point where I had to interact with a female NPC who literally wore a metal bikini (not chainmail, actual solid metal) whose breasts still swayed–with the armor.
I actually have a mixed attitude toward the designs in the game. On the one hand, it’s all very Male Gaze, creepy, and completely impracticalor physically impossible to wear into battle. On the other hand, some of their stuff is actually well-designed (i.e. actually makes use of design principles) and is nice to look at. It’s the kind of stuff I wouldn’t mind seeing at a Haute couture fashion show (though they can’t seem to design shoes for shit).
But the game isn’t Project Runway: TERA, unfortunately.
I love how not only is @xylophil’s satire spot-on, but also that @dreamersollux easily found an official game promo pic of exactly what it’s making fun of.
Whenever someone brings up the “you can see Hanzo’s one pec, therefore there is no sexism in Overwatch”, I will always be thinking of this Reverse Hanzo and his glorious butt.
It’s so great seeing people excited about the weekly streams! I should really make Twitch banners for this. This week, we will be looking at this awful thing from Fate Grand Order:
Plus a Surprise™ because I’ve been mad about a thing all week.
things that don’t break white male gamer’s immersion: dragons, magic, made up metals, impossibly large weapons, eating 50 potatoes while in combat, riding a horse up a 90 degree cliff
things that break white male gamer’s immersion: realistic armor for women, black people
The recent dudebro meltdown over new Star Wars game having female protagonist called for this Throwback. It’s additionally important since apparently someone even took issue with the character’s perceived ethnicity.
When there’s a cultural “normal” in media, seeing anything that diverges from it becomes too obvious (for better or worse). That’s why questioning that “normal” is so important.
Somehow it’s like the umpteenth “official” time when the SJWs/feminazis “took over” video games and movies – according to some men whose worldview shatters at a sight of a non-sexualized female lead in a trailer. Remember when the same thing happened with Dragon Age: Inquisition? Or more recently, with Ghosbustersreboot? The list could go on.
Yeah, dudes, if you continue to act like that someone will totally take you seriously eventually!
As an additional note, while I fully understand and sympathize with the desire to turn various aspects of ridicule back on certain demographics – please do not misuse the term “triggered” like this, it does a disservice to people with actual PTSD triggers and perpetuates their ridicule.
Please, do not ever submit to BABD something, especially an image, completely context-free. We do not feel comfortable with publishing uncredited, unsourced works (and not all can be tracked back by us with a search engine). Always remember to credit where the artwork comes from and, if they’re known, who’s the author. That goes for every sort of post, especially bingo’ed designs.
Quick reminder that Female Armor Bingo, as per rules and terms of its use, is only intended for the critique of commercial media made for mass consumption. It is not to be used for the critique or shaming of original independent works or fan works such as: fan art, fan fiction or cosplaying.
For a character whose model literally has no legs (so she can’t score the ever popular High heels or Thigh-high boots squares), Morgana from League of Legends still covers a decent amount of the bingo.
Fun fact: when we were checking with Icy whether that bra should count as “How does it attach?”, we discovered that Morgana’s buttcrack isn’t all covered:
Guess she should score cleavage double.
A fallen angel who got her hands on forgotten dark magic to become more powerful. Is that what you guys get from this design? Cause I sure don’t, even though that’s Morgana’s backstory. Definitely one of the more boring designs in LoL, even among the other swimsuit models.