

The image chosen to go along with this parody headline is so perfect…

Another example of how amazingly acute Point & Clickbait’s satirical articles are.

Let’s take a moment of thoughtful appreciation for the fact that they devoted an article to concisely sum up a huge chunk of our “creative freedom” tag.


The ongoing saga of people getting outraged that Blizzard uses their beta period as a beta period and adjusts the game.  It’s worth mentioning that Blizzard also removed a tasteless masturbation joke at the same time.

Perhaps one day, Blizzard will be the kind of company who upon declaring their game is to improve representation will fix these issues before they publicly showcases a beta with finished art.

– wincenworks

More on Overwatch on BABD | More on Blizzard on BABD | More satire on BABD

Ordinarily we wait longer before we bring back posts but it seems that there’s been a recent event involving a certain product we post about from time to time, and the response by certain demographics has been woefully predictable.

In case you missed it: Blizzard has revealed via a comic for people who enjoy Overwatch and want more fluff (x): Tracer lives with her female romantic partner.  How did the aforementioned demographic reply?


(Best view on Twitter: here, here and here)

So yes, predictably it turns out that the people who are used to being pandered to constantly don’t actually appreciate creative freedom – they just think it makes a cool catchphrase (or magic incantation in some cases).  

There was, however, a bright side: the response from women who celebrated that Overatch’s mascot character was confirmed to a lady attracted to ladies, and loudly reaffirmed their appreciation of as well as their right to representation.  That was truly awesome.

– wincenworks



The new Warborn race from ArcheAge’s most recent update

File under:Ridiculous differences between genders in fantasy game races

Imagine how great these designs could be if “interesting” was a higher priority on female character design than “have as much tiddy hanging out as possible”

Instead, we get a continued effort to subvert the satirical value of Oglaf.

– wincenworks

Okay, so technically Alma’s look is a “form” from Ninja Gaiden but I’m going to count it as armor because well it’s apparently an artificial look designed for battle and well once you beat her enough it does change and then, after more beating, it kind of melts off her as seen in this heart touching moment with her sister Rachel.


Butt shot included because it is literally how this character is pitched in the marketing materials for this game.

– wincenworks







Sarah and Scott Ryder covers, side by side [x]

thank god n7 armor conforms to my feminine 20 inch waist

And gives my boobs little hatches, i mean we wouldnt want my boobs to NOT have little hatches they could escape thru before the rest of the body dies

@kathteamonroe this just in on “stupid design for female characters”


So, after the posing double standard fiasco on promotional image last year, Mass Effect Andromeda fixed it and gave female and male character the same exact pose in more recent artwork… yet introduced a whole slew of new double standard problems instead, like obvious body type difference and what seems to be the next stage of boobplate: nipple hatches.

One step forward, two steps backwards. This is very awkward, Bioware.


I’ve been holding back on commenting too much on Andromeda promotion material just because it’s been a wild ride and, as we’ve covered previously, Mass Effect has an odd history of jumping back and forward with quality of female costumes.


Given the juxtaposition between Dragon Age’s general design shifts and Mass Effect’s I can’t help but worry part of this this problem is that since Mass Effect is science fiction and hence seen as more accessible it gets more interference from Creepy Marketing Guy.

This is doubly a shame since it would be nice if we could have a vision of the future where these kind of double standards are not an issue.

– wincenworks

So, while Valve itself has a pretty good track record for female characters such as Chell and Alyx Vance… it seems when allowing others to use the Counter-Strike   And apparently it gets worse once you start playing:

This is from the publisher that brought us VindictusGhost in the Shell: First Assault and Riders of Icarus so it’s not a really that surprising.  Though what continually surprises me is that the same publishers also produce the rather excellent Dirty Bomb.

– wincenworks