Does anyone else hear Lady Gaga commanding “Walk, walk fashion baby!” when they look at this design or is it just me?

What I find really interesting about Black Desert’s Sorceress is that apparently even their own team couldn’t take this outfit seriously and the game play video has her in tights and a jacket:


– wincenworks

Blue Mary (Fatal Fury, King of Fighters)

Morrigan submitted:

So this is her original design in Fatal Fury 3:


And this is her design in The King of Fighters XI (2006/2007):


Other than the silly extra belt (lol why), it’s an otherwise really decent outfit for a fighter woman, and it looks cool too.

But now behold true horror, her design in KoF: Maximum Impact Regulation A (2007):


In-game model:


I… can’t. I just can’t. There is so much wrong with everything in the design, absurd goofy hair and pigeon toed pose being the least of the problems. WTF?

Poor Mary…

Now, for further context – one of the other main characters in Fatal Fury 3 was Mai Shiranui.  So, rather predictably – Mary was also given a painful boob bounce animation:


So I’m pretty sure if she was meant to be a T&A fest she wouldn’t have been issued with pants, a sentimental leather jacket and a motorcycle:


How they went from this to well… some sort of 80s nightmare soft-core porn tragedy outfit for her is truly a great mystery, particularly since they only made this change one year after the previous game.

And the saddest part is, that may well have been Blue Mary’s last appearance since we haven’t seen any new King of Fighters games and was apparently so embarrassing that SNK’s own site doesn’t want to talk about it. (No seriously)

Let this be a warning to all creators.

– wincenworks

Blue Mary (Fatal Fury, King of Fighters)

Morrigan submitted:

So this is her original design in Fatal Fury 3:


And this is her design in The King of Fighters XI (2006/2007):


Other than the silly extra belt (lol why), it’s an otherwise really decent outfit for a fighter woman, and it looks cool too.

But now behold true horror, her design in KoF: Maximum Impact Regulation A (2007):


In-game model:


I… can’t. I just can’t. There is so much wrong with everything in the design, absurd goofy hair and pigeon toed pose being the least of the problems. WTF?

Poor Mary…

Now, for further context – one of the other main characters in Fatal Fury 3 was Mai Shiranui.  So, rather predictably – Mary was also given a painful boob bounce animation:


So I’m pretty sure if she was meant to be a T&A fest she wouldn’t have been issued with pants, a sentimental leather jacket and a motorcycle:


How they went from this to well… some sort of 80s nightmare soft-core porn tragedy outfit for her is truly a great mystery, particularly since they only made this change one year after the previous game.

And the saddest part is, that may well have been Blue Mary’s last appearance since we haven’t seen any new King of Fighters games and was apparently so embarrassing that SNK’s own site doesn’t want to talk about it. (No seriously)

Let this be a warning to all creators.

– wincenworks

Okay, so generally speaking we can usually summarize Grimm Fairy Tales costume design with one gif.


However, in this case I think they’ve managed to highlight two points of particular interest:

Point One: If you’re going to put buckles on an outfit think about where they will rub, what they might pinch on and where they’ll be pushed into if anything touches the wearer.

Point Two: You outfit can look all dark leather intimidating or it can tear like tissue paper – you cannot have it both ways.

– wincenworks

So Bayonetta is coming to Super Smash Bros, and And it has been noted that her footwear looks remarkably similar to that of someone we’ve kind of talked about a little on this blog.  We even reblogged a comic about that is disturbingly similar to this whole situation.

Also since the copyright stamp on the announcement video was for 2014, suggesting that her announcement was intended around the time of the Samus shoe controversy but delayed for reasons unknown.

Hilariously the response to announcement of Bayonetta joining Smash from brodudes to this news was to rush out and create fake petition (full of anti-sex worker slurs) and try to blame it on SJWs (while only anti-SJW sites promoted it).  The petition has since come down off – I guess it’s finally occurred to them how silly other petitions looked.  

Still hasn’t occurred to them yet that we’re okay with people enjoying problematic things or that there’s a time and a place for sexy. Actually a lot of time and places, off battlefields.

That and well, if they’d just gone ahead and included Bayonetta as their sexy Super Smash Bros pinup girl from the start, and not gone through with all the “Samus needs rocket boots to compete with the boys” or “a female designer was involved so no sexism!” (sound familiar?).

– wincenworks

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