oh Captain Phasma. you needed more love in the “force awakens”, but fear
not. you have a place in my heart and my secret Fanfic: “hot Phasma
nights”. coming to a Tumblr near youStar Wars: think of this franchise like a hamburger, this was one of
your favorite type of Burgers growing up, but then they came out with a
new recipe, which said that it was going to be better. it looked good,
but then you taste it, and it feels cheap and with no soul. it has fancy
new ingredients but they can replicate that original taste. “ok, im
gonna try it a few more times, see if the get it right” you say. but
nope. that nostalgic flavor is if gone. now you see the restaurant is
under new management , bringing the original recipe back. with some
skepticism you have another try a that classic burger to see if it feels
like old times. you taste it, you can feel it has ingredients from this
era, but they recapture that old flavor again. this is a good Burger.so The force Awakens; it was good. and this is no spoiler review here:
the movie was good , and to me it ended up being better than i expected.
mind you i had little hype so im surprise as how much i like it. it
plays it safe as it retreads familiar ground, it’s basically a HD
remaster of “A New Hope”, with a little “Empire Strikes back” thrown
into the mix. this repackage of old things feels fresh thanks to the new
characters, which are likable and feel human. something that the
Prequels totally miss the mark on. one fear i had was that there would
be too many calls backs like in the “Star Trek” remake, but here they
were few and they fit in better. i do like that J.J. Abrams carry some
things over from the “star trek” flick like the blasters; they felt like
they had real impact. i like that.the best thing about this movie is that it was fun. it had a great sense
of humor, pacing, great action, and the developing of the characters
felt natural. I wont call it my favorite movie ever, or this year, but
one that can definitely see my self re-watching often.now i ask: does anyone know where you can get custom made “Dakimakuras”? i have a joke i need to take too far.
This neat little comic illustrates how Captain Phasma is clearly a proof that a woman can be considered sexy (AND command respect at the same time) while in full, non-gendered, non-sexualized armor.
Who knew, right?
thatcosmicwhale submitted:
[Image was found here]
Well Echo of Soul is always surprising me, although never in a good way.
I just thought that with the class name being “Guardian”, she would be wearing a better armor, I guess I was wrong.
As we established with the last Echo of Soul bingo, that game is such a beacon of creativity in the MMO market! Much original.
On the subject of armors appropriate for the cold climate, let’s have a look at LoL’s Sejuani, pre- and post-redesign.
We do (and will continue to) have reservations about the portrayal of women in League of Legends, but it would be unfair to overlook Riot’s first big token of answering audience feedback: turning Sejuani from a bikini-armored warrior woman riding an arctic beast to a boobplate-armored warrior woman riding arctic beast.
Obviously, we do take issue with the new design, particularly its boobplate, lack of any sort of protection for the neck and a waist so small that it suggests nothing’s underneath, but the noticable bingo score reduction speaks for itself. It was an improvement, even if questionable.
And now, seeing as they introduced Illaoi, we truly hope League of Legends gets continuously better with their female characters.