It’s kind of sad that an actual Playboy Bunny outfit scores better than a lot of the armors we’ve bingo’d. Fortunately, it’s also ideal for talking about some issues involving tops likes those and boobs.
Part of the many, many demanding regulations that Playboy Bunnies had to adhere to while working in Playboy clubs was that drinks had to be served and tips collected via The Dip.

Why? Because otherwise you were almost certainly guaranteed a nip slip at best. Now consider how awkward it would be to fight in them without doing something that would be unbecoming of a Playboy club.
– wincenworks
Considering we bingo-ed Fran last Easter, let’s keep up with bunny theme this year.
Funnily, it’s a Christmas Winter Festival outfit, that’s why the (obviously, completely unrevealing) male version of this outfit is raindeer-themed:


sidereanuncia submitted:
This is Alisha Diphda, from the upcoming JRPG Tales of Zestiria. The thing that gets me about this outfit is that the tabard she’s wearing actually looks like it could have some chainmail and padding under it (as in, it’s one of the first female military outfits I’ve seen in a JRPG that’s not skin-tight), but then everything goes out the window for the strange lack of pants and the bizarre armour-garters. Like, she actually has a decent amount of armour on, but then she just… forgot pants…
I’m pretty sure if you had “garter belts” to hold up thigh high boots they’d ridiculously annoying and have a good chance of chafing you. I looked up this character (mostly to confirm if the little crosses meant “medic”) and I”m pretty sure this is yet another outift where “panty flashes” were the top design priority.
– wincenworks

sidereanuncia submitted:
This is Alisha Diphda, from the upcoming JRPG Tales of Zestiria. The thing that gets me about this outfit is that the tabard she’s wearing actually looks like it could have some chainmail and padding under it (as in, it’s one of the first female military outfits I’ve seen in a JRPG that’s not skin-tight), but then everything goes out the window for the strange lack of pants and the bizarre armour-garters. Like, she actually has a decent amount of armour on, but then she just… forgot pants…
I’m pretty sure if you had “garter belts” to hold up thigh high boots they’d ridiculously annoying and have a good chance of chafing you. I looked up this character (mostly to confirm if the little crosses meant “medic”) and I”m pretty sure this is yet another outift where “panty flashes” were the top design priority.
– wincenworks
A good day to hit such a milestone, if you asked me.