
Jihye submitted:

Not sure if this is in line with the theme, but this is my favorite female plate armor from Aion and I think it’s a good example that non-revealing female armor can be both practical and beautiful at the same time 🙂

Hello one of my new favorite armors ever!

For those rushing to explain that Gisla’s armor is ceremonial or purely ornamental, therefore it’s okay that it looks like something from pulp fantasy – consider this counter proposal with an example from pulp fantasy.

The idea of ornamental armor is that it looks like armor – only more expensive, fabulous and amazing.  So, assuming you intended to maintain a distance from the actual front lines – something like this, with decorations over a sturdy base design, would work very well.

More importantly, it reads to people of the world and era as armor and is usually based on the society’s armor – the Lorica Musculata (Roman muscle cuirass) was a fancier version of the Lorica Segmentata (the heaviest armour a Roman soldier would have on a battlefield).

The connection to real armor is important, because if it doesn’t read as armor to it’s audience then it’s going to give them the impression you don’t have a clue what armor is – if that audience happens to be soldiers going into battle then you’re going to do the opposite of boosting their morale.

In Gisla’s case, since it doesn’t look like armor and doesn’t look like it’s from their culture then it’s more likely to make the troops she was supposed to motivate wonder if she’d be possessed or suffered a head injury.

– wincenworks