

Apparently a lot of people are having… polite conversations [/sarcasm] about the tiddy booplate puppet being 100% okay because not only is this parody, but the design was the idea of her player/voice actress, who’s a woman of color and size (and known for raunchy sense of humor). 

No-one’s here to judge how empowered (and/or hilarious) a performer feels about playing a character with giant breasts and bikini armor, but shielding an uninspired, sexist choice in a mainstream commercial project from criticism with female co-creator is insidious as fuck.

It’s just an iteration of the (Marginalized) Friend Argument

We all know the “Bayonetta can’t be problematic, cause a woman designed her” rhetoric. And this situation gives me flashbacks to Samus prancing around Smash Bros in booty shorts “thanks to the determination of her female designer”

Also, how does unironically regurgitating the decades-old “ladies in Dungeons and Dragons have their boobs spill out of battle lingerie” trope add anything to an officially licensed adult comedy series
Wouldn’t making her topless be a bolder, more subversive choice and more in line with her barbarian class? Oh right, sex sells, but nipples don’t. That’s why you can only name your character after them. ? 


Hey, Wizards of the Coast, why did you play Shanna’s joke so straight? Who is this supposed to appeal to and for what reason? 


PS: Arie is a Dragonborn,

so it’s not just some huge titties in a metal bikini, it’s huge LIZARD titties in a metal bikini. 

h/t: @toastytostada​ 


Bloodborne board game – official art by

Adrián Prado

Can we all appreciate how entirely gender-neutral all of those costume designs are?

~ Ozzie

Perhaps one of the biggest keys to the success of Bloodborne and Dark Souls is the incredible focus they have on the goals of their games.

It really shows what you can accomplish.

And it really shows that ridiculous female armor is not something enhances fantasy horror or cosmic horror.

Who knew!?

– wincenworks


Bloodborne board game – official art by

Adrián Prado

Can we all appreciate how entirely gender-neutral all of those costume designs are?

~ Ozzie

Perhaps one of the biggest keys to the success of Bloodborne and Dark Souls is the incredible focus they have on the goals of their games.

It really shows what you can accomplish.

And it really shows that ridiculous female armor is not something enhances fantasy horror or cosmic horror.

Who knew!?

– wincenworks

The line up currently... as per Overwatch standard there are multiple body types for men and one thin, conventionally attractive one for women.Something something sexy back, a hood without a cape is certainly a decisionThe most important thing when aiming a bow is to show off as much leg as possible

Hello Diablo my old friend.

They recently announced the latest class, the rogue, with a bizarre trailer and an even more bizarre costume as the iconic look which seems to try to hedge in a few ideas in bizarre contradiction.

  • An Assassin’s Creed style hood without any cape attached
  • Two part thigh highs that are cloth from the top of the calf up

But of course, they have most of the classics as well.

  • A Xena style combat corset with pauldrons and bracers, but no pants or helmet
  • Extremely high profile, attention grabbing outfit for someone who supposedly pick pockets and moves unseen
  • Combat style is sexy dancing with knives

Also, while she does look ambiguously brown in the final videos and character model… it seems pretty clearly this was a last minute decision based off the concept art.


Because brown women apparently need more media depicting them as morally bankrupt sexy thieves… according to Blizzard.

So I would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to this quote from November 2014, regarding Blizzard’s intentions with another game.


They really need to stop getting celebrated for talking the talk while they do the opposite of walking the walk.

– wincenworks

More on Blizzard on BABD