11:59 CET (Ozzie’s usual timezone). Submissions are closed. Thanks to everyone who contributed, including lokificent who made a generous surprise prize donation!
The winners will be announced on April the 5th! (Easter Day)
11:59 CET (Ozzie’s usual timezone). Submissions are closed. Thanks to everyone who contributed, including lokificent who made a generous surprise prize donation!
The winners will be announced on April the 5th! (Easter Day)
11:59 CET (Ozzie’s usual timezone). Submissions are closed. Thanks to everyone who contributed, including lokificent who made a generous surprise prize donation!
The winners will be announced on April the 5th! (Easter Day)
re: this post on double standards of body type diversity in SMITE and Overwatch
cited: our first post about Zarya
CLEARLY, Zarya can not be a step in the right direction AND a token exception AT THE SAME TIME, because… Uh… It’s so not like she’s literally the only female Overwatch character who is not conventionally pretty*, thin and/or sexualzied, right?
How about “she’s BOTH a token exception and a step in the right direction”, then?
Okay… well, if we limit ourselves to just athletes in say… Olympic level condition… this is a sample of the body and features diversity we might expect:
Given that Blizzard has said they’re making this game to improve representation for women in video games and even address things like “why all the bikinis?”
Zarya is currently the quick “we fixed it” response from a company with a long history of going back on their “fixes”. They’re preaching that they want to fulfill the desire for diversity – but the sexy purple skinned assassin lady, a robot, a gorilla all got priority over so many types of real people.
Currently they are only vaguely close to meeting their stated goals due to a few isolated, individual characters. Pretty much all the tokenism alarm bells are ringing loud and clear.
“Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more.“ – Edward H. Harriman
– wincenworks
*Not to say that Zarya is ugly. She’s still “unconventional” in the safest way possible.
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Well… it’s good that she’s got the shield… but I can’t help but think that it’s going to be hard for her to fight if she needs to hold it in front of her stomach.
– wincenworks
A friend’s request for a bodily comparison of the gods and goddesses of Smite.
I’m having a flashback to this Overwatch silhouette comparison (pre-Zarya, the token exception, that is):
original source: [x]
Eyup. Typical. Men tend to be all shapes and sizes, while women are just slight variations of the same “shapely” figure.
With a very few exceptions, pretty much every time I see a game brag about diverse body shapes – I wonder if they hired the same “expert” consultant that Levi’s did:
– wincenworks
more on double standards | more on character design | more on SMITE | more on Overwatch