The hilarious front line in the tragic war against ridiculous female armor
Tag: Warhammer 40k
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This is the sort of design that explains why people don’t treat the word “edgy” seriously anymore – artists who want their stuff to look “dark and edgy” literally throw as many sharp edges on their villains and antiheroes as possible, no matter how absurd that looks!
Just imagine all the protection she could get if she used metal from those arm and head spikes to form a practical breastplate!
Why does this look like, instead of sending the publisher the actual intended cover art, they accidentally submitted a “how ridiculous can we make it” art piece done on a dare? And the publisher just went with it, because it’s Warhammer?
h/t for finding us design to bingo: Gigahorsedeluxe
Speaking of fandom, just blocked a guy that was complaining about me not liking this figure.
He was complaining about how people like me always whined even when we got what we want, and that we were never satisfied and GW was buying bullied or some shit. Because apparently when you tell a guy “I want new and redesigned SoB figs to come out, without the boob armor and stupid shit and especially without the heels some art has” they hear “I want more SoB figs”. Like no I’m sorry but at this point I’d much rather they stop making them if they’re going to do these pieces of shit. How clueless can you be making the first sororita fig in months and give it a stripper leg ?
Here’s one for @bikiniarmorbattledamage. I keep laughing like a moron just looking at this pic. The armor’s not just impractical and sexualized, it’s gaudy, kitschy, and stupid. Is that the Sisters’ strategy? To distract their opponents with how ridiculous their outfit looks? I mean, I suppose it’s hard to aim when you’re convulsing with laughter.
Some vocal male Warhammer 40k fans probably aren’t part of Toxic Masculinity Brigade, but I haven’t really met one yet…
And since every time something about double standards in WH40k is referenced a tide of Twitter thread-worthy replies arises, I await them anxiously.
PS: Apparently this design is based on an old piece of artwork… Which is a 0% valid excuse for Games Workshop to produce it now, after years of being called out on perpetuating sexist stereotypes with their figures.
Speaking of fandom, just blocked a guy that was complaining about me not liking this figure.
He was complaining about how people like me always whined even when we got what we want, and that we were never satisfied and GW was buying bullied or some shit. Because apparently when you tell a guy “I want new and redesigned SoB figs to come out, without the boob armor and stupid shit and especially without the heels some art has” they hear “I want more SoB figs”. Like no I’m sorry but at this point I’d much rather they stop making them if they’re going to do these pieces of shit. How clueless can you be making the first sororita fig in months and give it a stripper leg ?
Here’s one for @bikiniarmorbattledamage. I keep laughing like a moron just looking at this pic. The armor’s not just impractical and sexualized, it’s gaudy, kitschy, and stupid. Is that the Sisters’ strategy? To distract their opponents with how ridiculous their outfit looks? I mean, I suppose it’s hard to aim when you’re convulsing with laughter.
Some vocal male Warhammer 40k fans probably aren’t part of Toxic Masculinity Brigade, but I haven’t really met one yet…
And since every time something about double standards in WH40k is referenced a tide of Twitter thread-worthy replies arises, I await them anxiously.
PS: Apparently this design is based on an old piece of artwork… Which is a 0% valid excuse for Games Workshop to produce it now, after years of being called out on perpetuating sexist stereotypes with their figures.
Daughters of Persephone! My women only Space Marine Chapter. Not my best illustration work, but its really starting to take too much time for a quick fan work / colour concept, and I should work on more original works really (though I’ll probably end up doing other fan stuffs :P)
Threw together another quick sketch, playing with the general out of armour look.
I like this interpretation of the black carapace.
It’s going to happen sooner or later
You keep telling yourself that lol
Just remember there is more ‘Daughters of Persephone’ where that came from 🙂
Warhammer 40k bros are the epitome of fragile geek masculinity*
To them, not only women as Space Marines simply can not be a thing, because arbitrary fluff reasons – Emperor God forbid any fan dared to draw, let alone customize some figures of them! Literally. We’re talking about the Toxic Masculinity Brigade yelling “Heresy!” at anyone who even mentions the possibility of a female Astarte existing.
See all of @pantmonger‘s awesome Daughters of Persephone art + some commentary regarding detractors in one post here.