My redesignoriginal design


@bikiniarmorbattledamage has now done two redesigns of this version of Tira from Soul Calibur so I decided to take a stab at it. While this is my first time doing this type of redesign/paint-over I think it turned out pretty well. I decided to lean into the jester look for her clothing while also incorporating the bones from her original design. I like that she ended up looking somewhere between a jester and a witch.

This is so cool! Thank you for @-ting us! 

I think it speaks both to what garbage the original is and how much lost potential Tira has that each of us came up with completely different fix for this un-costume.

Hope Icy doesn’t mind, but I think you managed to solve Tira’s wardrobe problem in the most cohesive and creative way out of us three, @j–mno-art. I really love the jester/witch look, the bone detailing, her hairstyle and the little cape. 


The hair and the bone details are bomb. Personally, I still think that the Bird Connection could be expanded upon to add some texture variety with the feathers and whatnot, but that’s mostly detail stuff. She definitely looks way better than the original, now that she actually has a design, rather than just Underboob.

Maybe one day we’ll all take her Soul Calibur 6 design to the livestream, cause that “shirt”…… Yikes.


Fixin’ Up Some Figurines, part 2 –  Lizard Boobs Edition

While we’re likely to go back to fixing some Dark Sword Miniatures in the future, this here dragonkin lady was the reason I proposed redesigning the figurines in the first place. 
The butt cape window was always amazingly mesmerizing, considering it displays her very human glutes with no trace of reptilian tail, which would be much expected in such character design. 


So I simply changed her metal thong into a decorative belt that rests on the base of her new big tail. 

Another obviously non-lizard anatomy on her were the human breasts, adorned with a really ugly boobplate. So I flattened her chest and redesigned the breastplate to be more interesting, while still exposing some of the pec. 


Also added a tiara with a matching jewel, for some non-tiddy-based feminine touch. Her weapon/scepter got a matching jewel as well. 

It’s one of the subtler redesigns, but also one with more deliberate process behind it. Hope you like it! 


Fixin’ Up Some Figurines, part 1

It’s been a while since we redid some figurines, so here we are! I decided to redesign a vampire lady made by Dark Sword Miniatures. This was a pretty fun and lighthearted one for me; I wanted to keep her Killer Abs uncovered, so I decided to make her into a gym instructor, getting that blood pumping in her students! …. Get it, cause she’s a vampire…. I’m hilarious, okay?!

It’s not armor, but I just decided to have some fun with this, considering how awkward the original is. So yeah, I just gave her a workout outfit that I’ve seen at my local gym. Here’s an example off the Internet.


I also gave her some muscles, and some dumbbells! I thought a ponytail would be more gym instructor-esque, but I was too lazy to redraw all the hair on her shoulders, so we got a… half pony. It’s fine. It’s not like she sweats… depending on which version of vampires you subscribe to.

Enjoy my terrible handwriting too!



making edits that actually reflect equality of presentation between the two byleths in fire emblem three houses because i think the official outfits are a fucking farce 

we could have bad bad ass f!byleth instead of dressed in the dark in a hot topic byleth jesus

@shattered-earth, who contributed some really great stuff in our redesign tag (among others), never disappoints. Unlike Fire Emblem, which is always eager to indulge in blatant double standards, male-gazey female costumes and general creepyness (like the jailbait dragon). 

It seems like the designers thought the lack of pants between male and female version of FE Fates protagonist, Corrin, was too subtle and went “Hold my beer!” for the next game. 

Glad to see @costumecommunityservice‘s method of leveling the playing field in male/female design comparison employed. We just introduced a new tag for post that use it: costume gender exchange
I just wish this here dude redesign was pantless too. 

Throwing in original versions next to one another, for the reference. 


Who the hell approved that as equal? Oh wait, we know who


h/t: Spag 

Wrestling with TERA’s anti-fashion Part 2


So I decided to challenge myself yet again by picking this number. Back in an older post on TERA, I talked about how some of the armor designs are good designs for runway fashion, and I think the high elves, which is what this lady is, embody that most of all. I think each race has their, like… fashion niche? Like the demons are all Victoria’s Secret angels, ironically. And we don’t talk about the children with animal ears.

(And because I needed to fill in all those little details, I didn’t have time to do the back of her :(. )

I started with the face as usual, because I honestly hate the original in this regard… Like, what is with this Stock 3D Model face?? I tried to make it less human-looking since, you know… she’s not a human. (I kind of ripped off Dragon Age 2 in this regard, I guess.)


And then I changed…. everything else, as usual. Poofy pants, a whole 3 layers of shirts, and shoes you can actually walk in, we’ve got the whole package. I tried to make the shirt patterns work together, but I think I was a little overzealous… I also ran out of ideas. Oh well.


Hopefully my redesign still looks more like actual cloth armor than that big empty void of skin.


 Wrestling with TERA’s anti-fashion Part 1

It’s no secret that TERA Online is the quintessential of gratuitous skimpyness and double standard in character and costume design in video games. As Icy pointed out before, some of the costumes would work fine as pieces of high fashion, but definitely not a believable wear for a fantasy warrior. So we devoted a livestream to maybe try fixing that. 

Not my most inspired of redesigns, though I concluded that it’s a win as long as I make it wearable. Maybe with more time to think it through I’d give her a different colored second pant leg, but she had to do with just symmetrical jeans this time. 

As usual, one of the most important things to do was getting rid of this absurd cleavage that clings to her boobs. I shamelessly copypasted her metal (?) back piece and adjusted it slightly to now be a matching front collar. then just painted over the excessive fleshy parts. 
Copypasting pant leg also required adjusting the hem of her top, so I gave it a slightly different shape, with white trim to make it stand out better. Also, spikes on her gloves aren’t as ridiculously spiky anymore.


The part I’m actually pretty satisfied with are the shoes, which I managed to turn into a lot flatter heels, without making the design completely unfamiliar. Also got rid of completely pointless (ha!) spikes at the sides. Now that’s wearable and can fit a human foot inside without liquefying it. 


I admit, overall that’s far from my best, but with TERA you can’t go any more wrong than the original.




I really hate the female Nergigante armor in MHW, so I decided to try my hand at a really quick redesign. Tried to keep it mostly close to the original, but also using the male version as the main source of changes.

The funny thing is- the skin showing isn’t even the part I hate the most. I don’t like how miss-mash the armor is. Most of the major parts of the armor look like they came from different clothing. And Nergigante is supposed to be a ferocious beast. The armor from the female set doesn’t look fierce at ALL.

Whatcha guys think?


While I’m usually not for overly stabby armor, this is a very fine redesign done with the original’s over the top aesthetic in mind, just without all that sexism. 

For the record, this is what the difference between male and female version is in the game: 

I really like how you retained the original’s silhouette and detailing while inserting actual armor in place of a generic bikini. And even though the armoring is based on the male version, it still has unique features, like the toothy helmet. Very good job at shape breaking and contrasts, too! 

Amazingly, a female costume design doesn’t have to be sexualized to be stylized. Who knew? ?


WoW Armor Switch

Like with Saint Seiya Online and Riders of Icarus before, we subjected some armor double standard in Blizzard’s MMORPG classic to a switch of designs between genders. 
After all, if those are supposed to be exactly equal in function, then why not make the dudes show off their flesh? 

Jade Set

This was a relatively laid-back stream. I was actually pretty surprised that we had not tackled WoW in a stream before! I ended up picking the Jade Armor just because of that underboob… it was just taunting me… I had to do it. It wasn’t my fault! Please, don’t–!

So besides switching the outfits between the 2 characters, I also switched their facial expressions! I gave the maaale an attractive, nonthreatening smile, while making the lady more intimidating. I also added the at-this-point Patented Icy Redesign Dick. I mean, if we can’t tell he has a penis, how are we supposed to know he’s a man, Blizzard?? How???


Glorious Set

This change was pretty basic copypasting job with adjustments according to character silhouettes. Bonus change was giving the guy’s cool braids to the lady, as she deserves an interesting haircut as well! 



Another game I’ve never played but felt that it would be fun to do an armor fix for!

BlackRose from .hack

I remember back in the day I thought she looked really cool, and that hasn’t really changed but I wanted to just give her some protection.Also what kinda sword is that I am so confused.

Man, this brings back memories. Mostly of a very depressed and quiet protagonist either sitting around or looking confused/concerned at various set-pieces. (Can you tell that I found the series boring?) Oh, there was also a cat lady. In the games, at least.

I really like the redesign! There are so many small but great changes, like the pattern on her stomach that breaks up the large overall shapes much better than in the original (what large shapes). I especially like the knee guards; they make it really obvious how the original’s inclusion of teal/grey is not enough to tie the design together, but it looks great in the redesign.

I’m also not mad about the sword being changed; I always wondered how it attached to her, even when I used to watch the show.


Old Redesign Switcheroo Part 2

Why did I pick this concept art with this pose…….

As a person who used to actually play Soul Calibur once upon a time, I wanted to try my hand at redesigning Tira. As Ozzie pointed out in her own redesign, she is definitely the poor woman’s Harley Quinn, so I went on the fan wiki to scour for any material I can use to make her unique. I discovered that she has a connection with crows, apparently, which is presumably why there’s one in this concept art. So I ran with that as far as I could!

I started by changing her hair and face, as usual. I smeared her lipstick also, cause I feel like she’d the type to put on makeup and then forget she has it on. Basically, mood.


I then incorporated an actual crow motif by giving her a feathered collar and feathered tights, sort of. And yeah, she’s now wearing tights with the legs from some poofy pants and feathers. It’s a definitely a Look. She’s supposed to be very eccentric, is my excuse.


As for her shirt, I honestly had 0 ideas, so I did a simple white sleeveless shirt with a vest, to at least add some good lines that would lead toward the poofy and feathered legs.

My rendering for this ended up being sooo basic. I blame the pose. Painting is my passion.

Ozzie and I agree that the original design is pretty much unsalvageable, unless we’re given like 2 weeks to do research and thumbnails to redo her from scratch. I did end up going way over the time limit for this, cause I kept redrawing various elements, but at least I put some thought into it
