So apparently HiRez has revealed their newest addition to SMITE, the Celtic goddess The Morrigan… who looks suspiciously like they borrowed fan art from another character who bears the name Morrigan.  The video does confirm that they at least read the Wikipedia page, but apparently had no concerns to come up with their own interpretation.

Of course, not all her skins revealed to date look like “empowered” fan art of Bioware’s Morrigan.   There’s also one that looks like sexy fan art of Leliana (dressing up as a Dalish elf):


Of course, both are complete with strange woad body art (complete with them treating it as interchangeable with henna) and wear even less than the characters from Dragon Age do, and have zero items of traditional Celtic attire such as  

In summary:


– wincenworks

This… is so far the most shameless SMITE got with a female character design. 

Unlike with Nike who looks like a lovechild of Zarya and Mercy, no-one in their right mind can argue this Morrigan is an original twist on the mythical figure. Or that any resemblance to a character from a different game is coincidental.


@nicksuckseggs​ submitted:

I don’t know if anyone has submitted anything from this game yet, but his is Skye from a fairly new game from Hi-Rez called “Paladins – Champions of the Realm” and it’s basically a free to play version of Overwatch. Skye is one of four or five characters but she is by far the worst in my opinion. Her costume is bad enough but my favorite part is the fact that her right leg is somehow transcending dimensions to that it ended up behind her left leg without bending. She kind of fits into the assassin archetype. She’s supposed to be fast and stealthy so I guess maybe having reality altering legs might be helpful for that somehow.

Skye’s outfit actually score surprisingly okay on the bingo, mostly because it’s not about showing skin but rather projecting a message.


Seems fine at first glance? Sure.  But this is how Skye is introduced to you if you select her as your Champion in Paladins.


This was how she got introduced in their “meet the Champions trailer”:


It worth noting that Skye’s appearance is so ridiculous and lacking in credibility, she is the only hero who they show in action first before doing the intro cinematic or letting you see her from a third person view.

Hi-Rez apparently managed to make a sexy female assassin who’s less intimidating than Widowmaker due to “can we fap to this” being her only character concept design priority, then chickening out and putting black skin tight material over most of her skin.

– wincenworks

So, HiRez (of SMITE fame) have released Paladins into open beta and well, Cassie is one of their heroes – actually one of their more hardcore looking female heroes.  After all, this is their promo banner:


– wincenworks

So, HiRez (of SMITE fame) have released Paladins into open beta and well, Cassie is one of their heroes – actually one of their more hardcore looking female heroes.  After all, this is their promo banner:


– wincenworks


“Yippie new hero coming out on Marvel Heroes!”


Well, new hero coming out on Smite!


We sympathize with the disappointment so much. Even if it’s not particularly surprising, especially SMITE churning out another generically boobastic lady that conveys nothing about what goddess she’s supposed to be.

BTW, for those who don’t see what’s wrong with those characters, please don’t insist the OP explained it to you. We recommend instead checking the characters’ respective tags on our blog: Angela | Terra 



“Yippie new hero coming out on Marvel Heroes!”


Well, new hero coming out on Smite!


We sympathize with the disappointment so much. Even if it’s not particularly surprising, especially SMITE churning out another generically boobastic lady that conveys nothing about what goddess she’s supposed to be.

BTW, for those who don’t see what’s wrong with those characters, please don’t insist the OP explained it to you. We recommend instead checking the characters’ respective tags on our blog: Angela | Terra 


@the-poop-tart666 submitted:

HiRez’s newest goddess, Terra, Roman goddess of earth, versus Geb, Egyptian god of earth.

And naturally Terra is just another sexy human female character with with a (rock) bikini.

And Geb is a literal massive chunk of sentient rock.


I wanted to make some statement about hopefully this will not be responded to by someone claiming SMITE uses only non-sexual, historically accurate nudity for their depiction – but experience tells me that kind of hope is merely the first step on the road to Disappointment.

You would think given they’ve shown they have at least an inkling of what Roman armor looked like – they’d at least try something vaguely Roman themed.  Instead we got.


Oh, and for those who already typed up their angry comment that since Terra was often depicted as topless or even nude, this is an “improvement” – I invite you to look up how Geb was depicted and this ask yourself why is that all the Egyptian gods in Smite are depicted inhuman creatures but all the Egyptian goddesses are depicted as sexy ladies.

HiRez has zero concerns about the authenticity of it’s designs, is highly problematic in a wide variety of ways and swapping out non-sexualized nudity for ridiculous hypersexualized nonsense is certainly not an improvement.

– wincenworks