@0verlow submitted:

So today while I did the rare thing of looking my twitter from mobile, the application promoted this game Dragon Breaker to me (play store link) I can’t even understand that one girls not even bikini “plate” and certainly I don’t even want to know how it attaches. Also when in curiosity I went to look at the games website. I fond many other, almost as ridiculously pathetic, tries at female armour, and every men having proper clothing/armour.

While there definitely seems to be an overlap with bikini armor and creative bankruptcy – I’m really kind of amazed that there was someone out there who went “You know what’s wrong with Warrior Princess Solange’s design? Not enough armor on her arms or legs. I bet if we make a version with bigger gauntlets and leg armor it’ll seem totally viable!”

– wincenworks

Seems like League of Angels 2′s marketing strategy is “Shoot our own foot by presenting in multiple examples just how devoid of any creative thought our game is. You’re welcome.”

If that wasn’t enough proof of creative bankruptcy, their homepage is literally playing the Game of Thrones theme on loop.
Yes, they’re SO unimaginative, they don’t care about an inevitable lawsuit from a big media corporation. Not the first time we’ve seen such mentality.

I’m curious what the Chinese ad says.

Until someone proves me wrong, I’m gonna assume it translates roughly to “Pale, Thin, Generically Sexy Lady in Bikini Armor: The Game”.


edit: thanks to @sunnyzhp22 and @cla-w for the translation:

Goddess Alliance
Come and collect those sexy goddesses!!

Well that’s both underwhelming and exactly what I’d expect from LoA. As if turning women into collectibles wasn’t a sleazy idea already, they’re also are not even offering any variety of those angel/goddess characters. Isn’t the point of collecting to have different items with something in common?
