So remember the outcry that somehow a zoom in shot of Rainbow Mika (R. Mika)’s butt slap was so critical to the game that it’s remove was an act of vile censorship? Well we now have the official word from the Street Fighter team on what led to that memorable day:
“We didn’t make any change because of external influences,” he says. “Those changes came up internally. We decided to remove that because we want the biggest possible number of people to play, and we don’t want to have something in the game that might make someone uncomfortable.”
The even better news is that those who were enraged that such an amazing act of censorship could occur have pretty much re-affirmed the point. After a month and a lot of publicity, the petition only gathered 6,300 signatures (and at least one duplicate I noticed). Most of these guys still don’t seem to believe that the developers actually decided on this change on their own…
and they’re probably all going to buy the game anyway:
I can’t imagine why the developers may choose to try to appeal to people outside of this demographic… oh wait, I can.
– wincenworks
Today’s throwback: reminder that “self-censorship” isn’t really a thing and maybe a developer doing the bare minimum to not alienate potential audience pre-release is neither “pandering to the SJWs” nor literally a vile act of censorship? ?
Self–Censorship – entertaining the idea of adding gratuitous female boobs and butts but ultimately deciding not to because you just got a better idea.
Submitting to Harassment – Starting to add gratuitous female boobs and butts but, upon reading arguments against it in discussion topics on forums and message boards, deciding that you see where they’re coming from and you hadn’t thought of that before, so you decide to tone the boobs down a notch with a minor edit that in some cases is only noticeable in side by side comparisons.
Artist’s Wishes – This tiddy must be preserved in all its glory despite the fact that the artist wished to remove the tiddy.
We talked about this when the game was fully announced around this time last year. It seems that thankfully they decided to go the opposite direction to Valkyria and added shadows, costumes, etc to tone down the fan service.
Naturally brodudes are taking this well… I’m just kidding.
They’ve also been on Twitter harassing translators who do localizations (like they make creative decisions) and insisting they just want “word for word translation no matter what”
Of course, people not intent on misunderstanding the concept of localization or attacking people for doing their jobs can formulate a pretty simple theory on why this release may be slightly different.
We talked about this when the game was fully announced around this time last year. It seems that thankfully they decided to go the opposite direction to Valkyria and added shadows, costumes, etc to tone down the fan service.
Naturally brodudes are taking this well… I’m just kidding.
They’ve also been on Twitter harassing translators who do localizations (like they make creative decisions) and insisting they just want “word for word translation no matter what”
Of course, people not intent on misunderstanding the concept of localization or attacking people for doing their jobs can formulate a pretty simple theory on why this release may be slightly different.
Once again, Street Fighter V has been “censored”, presumably because someone at Capcom has been notified of what boobs actually are and realized that there is no way Juri could fight, jump around or even really breathe without inviting a wardrobe malfunction.
I mean seriously, it was actually more impractical than her Street Fighter IV default costume’s top, which was basically a handkerchief with straps.
Unsurprisingly, there are bros for whom full body latex outfits that are molded to every curve are still not sexy enough and they feel cheated that it won’t be open up the front… at least note in the default. I mean, based off Laura’s alternative costumes it’s a good bet that Juri will get at least one costume that’ll be at least as revealing as the teaser.
A few words regarding the crucial difference between censorship and the creators consciously choosing to edit their content.
I dedicate this post to every salty dudebro who had the gall to suggest that we at BABD wantto “stranglecreativity”, because heavens forbid anyone was openly critical of The Thing You Like and suggested it has problems!
Important quote from the video:
Or is it only censorship when it’s people who aren’t you, and don’t think like you, getting what they want for once instead of you?
Dear dudebros, please ask yourself the above question next time before you type a single word of a reply to us.
edit: “Thanks” to Tumblr’s absurdly broken video post feature, the video initially didn’t load. Fixed now.
Can you believe that this post is nearly a year old and we’re still getting brodudes screaming that providing feedback is censorship and insisting that any change they disagree with was force by “SJWs”?
Even in the face of mountains of evidence that the majority of people who make media actually want it to be enjoyed by lots of people, and thus do care about what alienates potential audiences and don’t take kindly to their “champions” engaging in this kind of nonsense. This, by the way, has always been the case.
This is, of course, glossing over the hilarity of bloggers having the power and authority to force billion dollar businesses to make editorial changes is just a little ridiculous. A little.