Riders of Icarus

@vonboomslang submitted:


Please let me share with you a tale of hopes and disappointment, starring Riders of Icarus, by our old mutual friend Nexon.


“Well, that is an interesting looking class. I wonder how it looks on females. It probably has a battle skirt or something.”


“Good lord, is that actual full plate? Armored legs and everything?”


“Oh. I don’t know what I expected.”

Yours, vonBoomslang

Nexon is such a wild ride, I mean I struggle to understand how the same people publishing Vindictus also publish Dirty Bomb!

Looking at the promotional screenshots for this game, one might easily be tricked into believing that the armor for ladies would not be terrible:


I mean it doesn’t look great, but the main issue is the stock-standard boobplate that seems to be mandatory in so many fantasy RPGs these days.  Even the trailer isn’t too bad for the first sixty seconds… then:


Apparently there are still people out there who believe that the MMORPG market is not yet over saturated with this exact same style of double standard nonsense.  Somehow.

– wincenworks

Riders of Icarus

@vonboomslang submitted:


Please let me share with you a tale of hopes and disappointment, starring Riders of Icarus, by our old mutual friend Nexon.


“Well, that is an interesting looking class. I wonder how it looks on females. It probably has a battle skirt or something.”


“Good lord, is that actual full plate? Armored legs and everything?”


“Oh. I don’t know what I expected.”

Yours, vonBoomslang

Nexon is such a wild ride, I mean I struggle to understand how the same people publishing Vindictus also publish Dirty Bomb!

Looking at the promotional screenshots for this game, one might easily be tricked into believing that the armor for ladies would not be terrible:


I mean it doesn’t look great, but the main issue is the stock-standard boobplate that seems to be mandatory in so many fantasy RPGs these days.  Even the trailer isn’t too bad for the first sixty seconds… then:


Apparently there are still people out there who believe that the MMORPG market is not yet over saturated with this exact same style of double standard nonsense.  Somehow.

– wincenworks

@bleedinginkxiii submitted:

Found this oh so lovely set of female mage armor on Artstation. I had some time so I decided to make some fixes. They’re not amazing by any means, but at least these women can move without worry of a breeze or breaking an ankle/neck in the heat of battle. 

The artist also made a set of male counterparts to these and they look nothing alike (surprise, surprise). 

Here’s the link: 


Very nice redesign.  Personally what I find amazing about the male counterparts is that it seems their outfits are already very unisex and would be quite flattering on many bodies:

Looking around these appear to be concepts for a new “card” game by the creators of Vindictus.  It seems, that they’ve been quite free and loose with the art direction, but apparently quite determined to maintain double standards.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

– wincenworks


chrisbachmann submitted:

Cammy Can Pull Packages Out Of Her Butt

Not sure how this would be categorized.


Atomic wedgie? I guess if you had a package in your butt, it would be the ultimate wedgie.

I suppose since Cammy wears her costume internally, that’s where she stores things >_o

While one would have figured that it was not really necessary to ask cosplayers about whether or not Cammy had room to carry packages on her person – apparently Capcom could probably have learned something.

The bright side is that at least Chun Li’s expression was appropriate in every way:

– wincenworks

Where should we even start?


That figure’s design fails at everything it supposedly wanted to do, for the sake of “sex sells”. And it’s just sad.


h/t: @icykitty

*funnily, the butt window could be somewhat justified if she at least grew a tail, yet she doesn’t for reasons unknown