So apparently some of the Fallout fandom was upset that we called out Fallout Shelter and insisted that the Raiders were based off those in Fallout 3 and hence perfectly gender equitable.  This is of course, ridiculous for several reasons – the first and most obvious being bikini armor with a lipstick and a stylish bob haircut doesn’t really scream “raider” to anyone.

But more importantly, while there were gender equitable raiders in the Fallout franchise, they weren’t the Raiders (with a capital R) from Fallout 3 – those were practically iconic example of double standards.  As you can see the example above, the Blastmaster Armor, doesn’t even have iconic aspects of the outfit (such as the tire tread pauldron or the firefighter mask) on the female version!  Because why have a woman if she’s not pretty!

For the outfit to be gender equitable it would have to look less like that, and more like this:


So remember, just because you remember a few outfits in a game being pretty awesome doesn’t mean it has problems, big ones – and that other games in the franchise might be even more problematic.  Also remember that the apex of gender equality in armor in the Fallout franchise was the original games.  The games that weren’t afraid to show you female characters like this:


– wincenworks

Oh Spirit Stones, the true commercial (and creative) diarrhea. We could pick random cards from it and not run out of bingos for months.

I decided to go with this here Zodiac-themed (goddess?) character in particular not only because of lots of stabby parts and wasted themed design potential, but also cause her descriptions make the design even more hilarious:

Aries (first card):

You say it is the duty of a god to go to war? No, I only go because of my loyalty to Taurus. He only knows how to protect others. He doesn’t know how to protect himself. I go for him.

For the record, the Taurus guy, who’s apparently one of the only two men* among Zodiac cards, looks like this:


Also: female character motivated by a male character, how creative!

Aries+ (the second card):

Be weary of the skies! As the war drags on and armors are destroyed, her attacks will only get stronger.

Whose armors are destroyed, though? Hers of her opponents’? My bets are on hers.


*The other one is Leo, cause associating The Bull and The Lion with masculinity is so original! And both characters wear believable armors, of course.