OriginalNon-Binary Presenting NipplesAnd if Tumblr doesn't like a nipple... PUT A BIRB ON IT!

Old Redesign Stwitcheroo Part 1

The last stream of 2018 was a special one – bringing back designs the other one fixed in the past and redoing them again… our own way! 

Blossom and the Sliding Scale of Furry Breast

As a person who created some faun-adjacent characters I felt personally offended with how Blossom from Battlerite is handled, particularly her body. Icy’s poncho idea was cute, but obscured all the interesting things about her half-deer nature, which I wanted to explore more in-depth. 

If her unwearable bikini top didn’t make it clear, her suspiciously furless torso was obviously delegated to be the “sexy” area of her body, reminding the players that women be sexy and, obviously, sexy and feminine = hairless (?)… Despite her legs and face being covered with brown fur. 


I couldn’t erase that awful bra without deciding what to do with her breasts, so I settled on not only making this nature-loving character topless and furry, but also that a deer-person should not be endowed with human female breast tissue. Blossom is far enough on the animal-human scale to not have udders, but not far enough to have chest as a secondary sex characteristic.
Indeed, while drawing this redesign I concluded that the character reads as so androgynous that they should be non-binary in my version. 

As for clothes that remain, I replaced the ugly and vaguely thong-like


with bright-colored skirt that matches their birb friend’s design. I also upped saturation on the jewelry, so it stands out better and matches both Maxwell’s plumage and Blossom’s optimistic personality. 


Also looking at the image I chose made me realize how weirdly receded Blossom’s chin was from this angle. I gave them an actual jaw line and did some minor other edits to the face, adjusting proportions of the nose, position of the mouth and eye makeup (no more black mascara for a magical forest creature). 

Not sure if I gave them my all, especially in the costume department, but I’m pretty satisfied with how much difference even the subtlest changes to their body made.


BeWitchered by the abs, part 2

Par for the course, I of course decided to redesign Geralt’s bff and certified slut (according to him, at least), Jaskier (Dandelion in the English translation, but that’s stupid).

Anyway, as we’ve been told by our fans, all people who sleep around dress like they’re trying to attract a partner 100% of the time, even when they’re in combat. So obviously, I had to change Jassy’s full-coverage outfit into one more appropriate for his personality ?. He’s not even a combatant, he has zero reasons to be wearing Real Clothes.

I also simplified his remaining clothes a bit, so as to not distract from the…


For the record, I totally stole that torso off a Google image search.

I gave him a codpiece, obviously, as well as sexier stockings and high heels. I also decided to give a little peek at what the back of his redesigned outfit would look like. Seeing as how he’s such a good friend with Geralt, I figured he’d have a commemorative tattoo. To remember their friendship.


More like Jasskier, am I right?

Finally, I changed his face to look more like his book description, where he is said to look as beautiful as an elf (which is how he allegedly gets all the ladies).


Now he finally looks like the Hot Stud he’s (apparently) supposed to be! 


BeWitchered by the abs, Part 1

A day late, but hope you guys don’t mind! 

After quite a few requests and significant consideration of our own, we set off to sexify The Witcher male characters, starting with the eponymous hero himself. 

Thing about Geralt of Rivia is that, unlike most female characters in the franchise, he’s allowed to be something more than just a male power fantasy action-adventure hero. He is sexywhile engaging in sexual relationshipsHow novel! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

To fix that awful practicality of him looking like a warrior while warrioring and sex icon while sexing, I merged his official model sheet/cosplay reference with objectively one of the best Witcher game screenshots (barring ones from actual sex scenes): 


Did my best to match up proportions of two Geralts, but the end result came up a bit too top-heavy. I guess he’s more pecs, abs and biceps than legs guy now. 

Speaking of legs, it’s the one area in which I employed my own creativity instead of photo-manipulation. His codpiece is more prominent (though, once again, not exaggerated – Geralt has many issues, but definitely isn’t a type insecure in his own junk’s size) and I modified the seam stripe design to now expose some of his delicious thigh flesh. 


One last change was replacing his waaay too practical boots with high-heel ones from his adoptive daughter, Ciri. Sourced from her official cosplay guide.
Poor girl is one of the very few women in the franchise who aren’t framed as (potential) sexual conquest for Geralt, yet CD Projekt designers can’t help but put her in costumes that remind us of her femininity rather than badassery.
Hope that putting Ciri’s papa in her fashion-only shoes levels the playing field at least a bit! 

As I mentioned, not my most creatively-free redesign, but one that definitely needed to be done. Did you guys like it? 




desided to try my hand at redesigning something that isn’t winx, so here’s sketch of lux from league of legends

i wanted to make her look more like her brother, and to give her more serious vibe – after all, she is member of religious order. 


What a nice redesign! And I feel like you made her face resemble her brother’s more, which I appreciate. Is it me, or does it seem like LoL has some sibling issues… I like the changes to the breastplate and boots, and of course the fact that she actually has mass now. And her armor isn’t a painted-on afterthought! I also find it interesting how just the shape of her belt can make her look that much more like she knows what she’s doing. Or maybe it’s just me.

(That belt is seriously, like, the Zero-Suit-Samus-shoes of belts.)


Aphrodite in Lingerie, How Original ?

When picking out a goddess out of the SMITE pantheon to redo this time, I decided I wanted to try to make a “sexy” design that doesn’t rely on the Victoria’s Secret catalog. So here we are.

I didn’t change her body proportions at all, I only took the “in bra cup” shape out of her boobs. I gave her a draping shirt that’s more similar to ancient Greek attire. Isn’t it weird that the male Greek gods are designed to look more inspired by ancient Greek styles…. hmmmmm.

I did not give her pants, due to the ancient Greek influences, but I decided to make something out of the fact that she floats (for whatever reason). I ended up giving her a weighted skirt that would drag behind her when she moves. I imagine she could use it to great effect to look sexy or intimidating.


I left the belt in-place mostly because I didn’t have anything better to replace it with, but it’s definitely a bit much for the redesigned version. I think my shapes ended up being all over the place, but it’s still more interesting than the original. And I didn’t have to rely on lingerie for my design, what a shocker.

And last but not least, I changed her face to have more of an attitude and confidence.


Being beautiful and sexy doesn’t mean only having a specific type of face.


SMITE’s Freya Still Desperately Needs Pants

The original here is actually an updated version of Freya. As many characters in SMITE, she went through a few redesigns over time, with arguable quality of improvements (comparison source): 


The redesign

This is the second character named Freya which I fixed, and this one also got a questionable update between getting bingo’d and redesigned on our platform. I swear it’s a total coincidence. 

SMITE’s standards are below the bottom, so of course while she no longer had gravity-defying metal pasties for a top, it’s still a skin-tight boobplate


I didn’t go particularly wild with fixes this time. I liked the ornamentation and accessories well enough to leave them be, so the changes are limited to the shape of the breastplate and big blue gambeson under all of it. Thanks to it her pretty necklace suddenly popped out, since color theory is still a thing. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Blue because it matched her existing color scheme, including those tacky Pict-like tattoos, which are already a cliche on many Norse/Viking characters, for some reason. 

Not my most creative or labour-heavy redo, but I hope you guys like it!


Fate Extella: Saber Attila, but not the same as the Earth one apparently

I know nothing about Fate lore and I honestly don’t have the time in my life to get into it all, but the wiki page on this character says she is Saber class, and also “different from the Altera of Earth,” (even though they look the same, even down to the clothes) so I’m taking their word for it. Don’t let me down now, fandom wiki!

We sometimes get mail from fans telling us that we’re just offended by the skin-showing, and we should get over it, but we’re honestly not like that. Just take my word for it. However. The original design for this one definitely offended me. A lot. So that’s why I picked it for our Saber redesign stream.

This is another case of me having to go back and finish what I started, at which point I just… started from scratch… I definitely do not have a problem. Here was my first attempt, based on a historical estimate of what Attila might have looked like (the records are less certain than for Nero, from what I found):


I ended up doing another Google search (when I went back to finish it) and found an interpretation with the helmet/coif combo that basically looked like her existing bangs and hair shape; so I decided to start over, this time trying to work more with the existing design elements.

There’s probably too much white in the final redraw, but I can’t be bothered at this point. #ITried. At least it’s actually wearable! This is now a Callout Post. Yikes.


Fate’s Red Saber Nero – No, you can not unsee it. You’re Welcome! 

Since Fate’s fandom is the way it is, I decided to dedicate a very special stream redesign to them! 

When we commented on Fate: Last Encore’s version of “Saber”, the fanboys predictably, as with many previous posts on that franchise, rushed in to explain to us that this is not the same Saber we used as a positive example before (Artoria, aka waifu King Arthur).
No, apparently it’s just a completely unrelated character who happens to look exactly the same, allegedly because the designer for the franchise has a fetish for this one particular appearance, affectionately referred to by fandom as “Saberface”. Which justifies the shitty sameface syndrome how…? ¯_( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠° )_/¯ 


[Yes, those are four different people in various parts of the franchise. Only two of them are related. And yes, there are plenty more Saber clones.

Also, Fate’s lore is an incomprehensible mess with no single continuity. If we were to fully explain that every time a new Saber with giant boobs or stupid butt window comes out, our posts would be ten times longer. ? 

So, considering that this here Red Saber (not confused with the one with spiky hair) happens to be emperor Nero, I decided to right that wrong and make it abundantly clear that this is who this character is supposed to be. 

Enter anime waifu Nero. 


While usually I redesign the outfit, leaving character’s face more or less intact, this time I’m leaving the body and the awful boob-and-ass-window (plus visible panties) dress entirely unedited. After all, it fits her personality, or so I’m told. It’s the exact same sexualized anime girl, except she happens to have the face of an ancient Roman ruler, neckbeard included. 

And if you respect Nero’s own choice of clothing, please don’t shame her choice to grow out a beard. She rocks that look so much harder than she did Artoria’s face and haircut. 


Obviously I used the most famous Nero statue as a reference and did my best to recreate the cell-shaded anime look. Which is also why I incorporated her original eyes into the new design. Of course she needs to remain consistent with Fate aesthetic. I’m not an art-ruining barbarian. 

Overall this was a really fun stream and I’m pretty happy with the results. Not likely to happen again, but who knows? 

Once again, YOU’RE WELCOME. 



Another Wonder Woman, Why Not

Ozzie made a great Wonder Woman redesign waaaay back, but I wanted to try my hand at something more akin to the movie design. I enjoyed the Wonder Woman movie a lot, but that outfit of hers was such an eyesore. Also had to deal with constant second-hand cringe at imagining what it was like wearing it.

Sooo…. I ended up changing almost everything, obviously. I didn’t really have a specific theme or time period I was taking inspiration from; I just knew I wanted to give her a nice breastplate, and then worked around it for everything else. I gave her chainmail in a similar shape to her uhh… skirt? And then the gambeson makes a comback for the leggies.

Since the design is pretty clear and simple, let’s instead show my first attempt at a redesign, where I was trying to make the skirt work… somehow.


After coming back to this later, I realized that I was just doing the redesign equivalent of this gif:


Sooooo I got rid of that tabbard and redid it all.


I also changed her face. I gave her thicker, more natural (but still fun) eyebrows, and a stronger nose. I also cut back on her makeup, and changed her expression to look more determined, rather than “awkwardly chuckling at someone’s joke on a first meeting.”


Overall, I think I gave it a good try. I feel like it’s missing something in some spots, but I can’t think of anything else to add besides like… some colored ribbon in her chainmail, but I don’t think that’s characteristic for her. 

Would still have preferred my design over the original for the movie.
