

I could do this all day 

She will fit into your favorite moba game very good character garanteed

Edit: Holy shit it’s a joke please stop tagging this as reference/helpful/wow so good please stop using this as reference please stop thinking this is your goal please stop holy crap holy cRAP

You need to seriously re-evaluate  yourself if you believe the incredibly narrow and offensive things in these gifs oMgGG

Everything about it is so painfully accurate, but the “Pick ≤ 3” part is my favorite one for the purposes of this blog.


I love how pasties are the only essential chestware and how the actual high heels are not “necessary” just so long as her shoes maintain the same shape as if there were heels there.

– wincenworks

edit: Added the author’s later commentary, just to make it clear that no-one’s supposed to take this “tutorial” seriously. ~Ozzie

Because the subject of “just let the artist do whatever they like/want!” comes up regularly and far too many people are confused about what is wrong about nearly every female character looking next-to-identical, even within one game with a big cast*, this week’s throwback is the guide to the “creative” process behind designing women in media AND their costumes (bikini armor or otherwise) by the invaluable @shattered-earth.

And just for the record, this gifset is still a joke. Please do not take it as legitimate art advice!


*See the problem illustrated and discussed for: League of Legends | Overwatch | SMITE





Concept: fantasy species where the ladies are nine-foot-tall horrors of teeth and claws and the men look like lithe twentysomething pretty-boys wearing body paint.

(Well, except for the Wise Elders. You can tell when a male is a Wise Elder because he looks mid thirties instead of early twenties and trades in the twinky underwear model aesthetic for a stubbly-yet-well-groomed Hot Dad vibe.)



This Friday, we continue the theme of suspicious dimorphism with this amazing sexy guy/monstrous lady subversion! 

Sad part is, this idea shouldn’t only come up as a joke. There is no reason, other than blind belief that “sex sells” (to cishet dudes), for fantasy/sci-fi dimorphism to always make females look like conventionally attractive humans
Just think of all the genuinely creative world building possibilities that open up with fictional society where men take the Green Skinned Space Babe role, while women fill out all the more interesting alien race tropes.




hello welcome to the rpg here is a COOL NEW RACE we just added its called the badarumpus it comes in male n female and this is what it looks like


we are very proud of what we have done here and we would also like to present to you ANOTHER COOL NEW RACE we just added this ones called the splimb and it also comes in male n female


BUT THATS NOT ALL!!!!!!!! wait until you see OUR THIRD COOL NEW RACE called the ZNOOPHOOPS that also comes in male n female


enjoy your game fuckers


Another accurate satire on the subject of suspicious dimorphism. Including the same bikini for all the ladies.

Obviously, this is just another fantasy world where the humans are the weird species for having males who look so similar to women!


more parodies on BABD