

paleltuma submitted:

That does not look like a very practical armor, not to even mention that fighting stance. It also looks like poor Valkyrie’s breasts are running away from her face.

As bad as skin-tight metal armor is, it’s even worse when the breast formed parts aren’t even in the right place!  The poor girl!

It would be truly a horrific curse to be trapped in such a metal prison, unable to move or even breathe without crushing pain and mega chaffing.  She can do nothing as the world’s worst archer fires arrows at unlikely angles towards her.

That is the story this cover is trying to tell right?

– wincenworks

edit: Since the image apparently was deleted from its external sever, here it is: 




“um starfire’s powers are fueled by the sun that’s why she has to wear skimpy clothes” hey u know who else’s powers are fueled by the sun? superman. come on clark time for that toothfloss speedo chop chop

his nipples are covered by tiny capes


truth, justice, and the american way

Big thanks to kinsara for suggesting this reblog!


Incidentally I have an issue of ‘La geste des chevaliers dragons’ in my reference pile, because the cityscapes and castles are fantastic, I just thought I should point out that the characters wearing very little armour tend to be savagely eviscerated for their stupidity, not that it isn’t incredibly fan servicy and ridiculous despite that, but at least there are no inexplicably impervious navels.

As Ami of eschergirls and lady-knight- (in her comment) noted, it seems like Ange intended their comic to be subversive of fantasy clichés (so female virgins slay dragons instead of being kidnapped by them), but the execution indulges in harmful narratives (like demonizing women’s sexuality).

I don’t really think that letting scantily-clad warriors die for drama justifies making them scantily-clad in the first place.

It may work in comedy, but La geste des chevaliers dragons (or at least the first issue, the only one I managed to read) never makes fun of those costumes, just assumes we’re supposed to accept them as a sign of female empowerment or some other misogynistic bullshit.

The only character that commented on Jaïna’s non-armor was framed as a sexist dude who’s jealous of dragon slayer’s status, so… yeah, the readers probably weren’t supposed to agree with him.

Petition to Marvel for more superheroines

Petition to Marvel for more superheroines