A New Take on The Old Republic costumes

Star Wars: The Old Republic typically has pretty good gender equality in their armors, but rarely there pop up some designs that are just old-fashioned. Not cause they’re 18th century tuxedos, it’s the double standard that’s old-fashioned… let’s just get into it.

Darth Sion Armor Set

I completely forgot about this guy cause I played Knights of the Old Republic 2 162 years ago, but Darth Sion is a shirtless angry man with scars(?), and this is his SWTOR armor set. I wasn’t too mad about the bare midriff in this since the dude version is bare-chested. 


I was, however, and will continue to be, petty about the default for “lady equivalent of a shirtless man” being a literal bikini top. They had it so good with the back, but then dipped the neckline so far down in the front that it lost all of its support. There’s a reason sports bras have more than just an underwire.

(On the other hand, just adding a top means the pauldron isn’t nailed into her shoulder blade, like it is for the dudes.)

So my main effort went into adding the support back in, as well as giving her some girth. That’s my main complaint about the ladies in SWTOR: They’re all sticks! Even the “thicc” body type is miles off from the dude version. Granted, I didn’t give her the buff woman build I’d usually go for, but that’s because I was trying to prove a point; that the initial model wouldn’t have to change much to make her look like a fighter.

I also gave her some Sick Veins, cause that’s what the Siths get in SWTOR. (Where are my cool crackled-rock-scars, BioWare??) But I only drew that on one of the closeups, cause it was One of Those Days.


Bold Hellion’s Armor Set

How anything about this glorified biker costume, male or female, says “armor”, I do not comprehend. 


Since the dude version is also shirtless, I took much more issue with the suspicious dimorphism in how their bodies are depicted and gendered double standard in the cut of the costume, rather than with protective value.

It was one of Those Days, so I limited the redesign to giving the lady version a non-stick-figure body, which included replacing her teeny crop jacket with his, that also covered a lot more of her mid-section. 

Basically my lowest effort redo so far, yet still just making her buff made quite a difference, I’d say.  








Sarah and Scott Ryder covers, side by side [x]

thank god n7 armor conforms to my feminine 20 inch waist

And gives my boobs little hatches, i mean we wouldnt want my boobs to NOT have little hatches they could escape thru before the rest of the body dies

@kathteamonroe this just in on “stupid design for female characters”


So, after the posing double standard fiasco on promotional image last year, Mass Effect Andromeda fixed it and gave female and male character the same exact pose in more recent artwork… yet introduced a whole slew of new double standard problems instead, like obvious body type difference and what seems to be the next stage of boobplate: nipple hatches.

One step forward, two steps backwards. This is very awkward, Bioware.


I’ve been holding back on commenting too much on Andromeda promotion material just because it’s been a wild ride and, as we’ve covered previously, Mass Effect has an odd history of jumping back and forward with quality of female costumes.


Given the juxtaposition between Dragon Age’s general design shifts and Mass Effect’s I can’t help but worry part of this this problem is that since Mass Effect is science fiction and hence seen as more accessible it gets more interference from Creepy Marketing Guy.

This is doubly a shame since it would be nice if we could have a vision of the future where these kind of double standards are not an issue.

– wincenworks

Tidy Up Tuesday #37

We’re happy to add League of Sexism to our related sites. It’s a blog devoted to examination of sexist double standards in League of Legends. A must-read to anyone interested in more detailed criticism of sexism focused entirely on LoL (something we at BABD, as a blog about general media, can not provide).

@danceoffools made a very important mod for female armor in Dragon Age: Origins. Check it out here!  (It fixes medium armors!)


ht/: @narutobs

Things we addressed before:

– wincenworks & ~ Ozzie

Tidy Up Tuesday #37

We’re happy to add League of Sexism to our related sites. It’s a blog devoted to examination of sexist double standards in League of Legends. A must-read to anyone interested in more detailed criticism of sexism focused entirely on LoL (something we at BABD, as a blog about general media, can not provide).

@danceoffools made a very important mod for female armor in Dragon Age: Origins. Check it out here!  (It fixes medium armors!)


ht/: @narutobs

Things we addressed before:

– wincenworks & ~ Ozzie


Men of the Normandy – Kaidan by Me4Fan

Cover art for Men of the Normandy

The fic makes it clear this is Kaidan volunteering to help out but as we know from Samara’s design – this is a totally practical way to go into battle if you’re a highly skilled biotic warrior.

So really it’s just oppressive uniform regulations that prevent Kaidan from going into battle like this all the time. Think of all the empowerment we missed out on.

– wincenworks


Men of the Normandy – Kaidan by Me4Fan

Cover art for Men of the Normandy

The fic makes it clear this is Kaidan volunteering to help out but as we know from Samara’s design – this is a totally practical way to go into battle if you’re a highly skilled biotic warrior.

So really it’s just oppressive uniform regulations that prevent Kaidan from going into battle like this all the time. Think of all the empowerment we missed out on.

– wincenworks