Last Minute Stream Cancellation

Sorry for the late notice, but Icy isn’t feeling well enough to stream. We will be back next week!

~Ozzie and Icy

ridingthewavesofstorms submitted:  

From Xenoblade Chronicles 2 the character Tsuki, sadly designed by a woman: Risa Ebata. (Source.)


Judging by that last picture… is she related to Haydee

Seriously though, a couple readers let us know about problems with female designs in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, especially this character, Dahlia/Tsuki. 
And in all frankness, what i saw of her already made me legitimately fear doing any further research. 

Her feet alone make me feel like retracting all the things I said about Fran’s stupid, stupid “I totally need high heels because bunny-person” feet… things I still stand by!

I recommend filtering the experience by reading this Dorkly article, which quotes quite a few good jokes and/or comments about the game’s problems with women characters.


She has rabbit high heels??


I’ve seen a few members of a key demographic claiming the image is PhotoShopped… strangely none of them can provide an image that disproves it… just other terrible images of her in different poses.

– wincenworks

Nothing says quality gameplay by assuring people that you don’t have to worry about actually playing!  The game plays itself while you’re not playiing!

But it comes coupled with reassurances that if you do deign to actually learn to play their game, there’ll be more boobs.

Oh well, at least this bizarre combination of bikini armor, promises of gameplay and promises that you don’t need to play is unique right…


– wincenworks