Weekly BABD livestream #21
After sexyfying some dudes, back to fixing lady warrior costumes live!
Time same as usual, Saturday 9 AM PST / 6 PM CEST. For your local time of the event, check here.
~Ozzie & -Icy
Let’s take a closer look at Sylvanas Windrunner, Queen of the Forsaken, as revealed in official Heroes of the Storm art. First though, to address one issue:
mitulita replied to your photo: “For the people who rushed to tell us we should never doubt Blizzard’s…”:
The Sylvanas design is not new, though. It has been exactly like this in World of Warcraft for years. They are just repeating an old mistake there…Which still totally proves our point that Blizzard is NOT trying to improve. They had a perfect opportunity to update the design and did basically nothing.
While her official model for some reason wears a thong over nice pants, lots of popular Sylvanas fanart depicts her as pantless and Blizzard seem to be pretty okay with that.
more Female Armor Bingos | more World of Warcraft | more Blizzard
Since Blizzard fandom still seems to think that “You shouldn’t criticize this outfit used in Heroes of the Storm, because it originates from another game!”, we thought it’s time to bring back this HotS Sylvanas bingo. Along with the commentary that just because something existed in an older franchise from the same company, it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be redesigned and improved.
Like… how does rhetoric make even the slightest bit of sense?
Bad, sexist design is just that, no matter how well established it is.
If Quiet somehow reappeared in a future MGS game, still dressed in a handkerchief bikini and torn tights, would you really expect us to stop making Breathing Through Her Skin jokes?
So besides the fact that Blizzard has redesigned a lot of their characters over the years, promising to improve on a problematic aspect of your game, and then blatantly recycling those same old aspects, that’s not improvement. That’s the kind of behavior that gets you ridiculed by us.
Apparently at some stage Valve was pitched these amazing designs by Drew Wolf and considered adding female variations of the Team Fortress 2 characters. For some reason failed to recognize how awesome this would be.
A shame because many of these would have really elevated the standards of video games and perhaps inspired certain other titles to work harder.
– wincenworks

Saint Seiya Online makes a comeback to the bingo, again with lots of stabby bits, gendered posing and shameless double standard in design, yay!
I love how the little lotus posed armor totally just sits there pretending like the woman armor is even close to resembling it. It really shows that they either didn’t realize or didn’t care about anything more than showing some skin. SMH.
This week on Blizzard Does Women Better, Watch as they introduce a new hero to their free MOBA Heroes of the Storm via sexy demon skins for the ladies! How Original™!
The three lucky ladies are Jaina, Zagara and Sonya (from left to right):

(Though, don’t be fooled by that awesome concept art of Sonya, her in-game model is of smaller frame and has no defined muscles.)
So let’s take these in order, shall we?
Jaina is an ice wizard (basically) whose regular outfit just looks really stupid, besides not making any sense. Her demon skin replaces her 70s pants with booty shorts, and while she does gain “armor,” it’s in the laziest possible way. [x]

Her design brings to mind the Draenor, rather than demons. It’s so generic, I don’t even have anything to say… And what’s with the colors?
As for Zagara, you may notice that she is not even a person. She’s the “Broodmother of the Swarm,” an “ant queen” type of creature; she doesn’t even have a face, despite that strange exoskeleton boobplate. The maw in the front of her bug abdomen spews various things in combat. So of course her demon skin makes her Hot Bug Lady. [x]

I mean, we know she has weird bug arms and huge bubbling pustules on her insect-like abdomen, but look at those titties! This is the second Zagara skin that gives her a sexy face, but why include her in this particular promotion at all, for the release of a lich character from WoW? Do they think their zerg-birthing monster needs more sexy lady skins to even out the fact that she’s a bug? ಠ_ಠ
Finally, we have Sonya, the lady barbarian from Diablo III. Her demon skin still reveals about as much as her regular, although for some reason she has platform shoes now? This is called the Death Knight. Much spooky. [x]

Also, the design screams “we didn’t know how to make her demonic.” There is a skull on every piece of armor she’s wearing, and her weapons! This is even more baffling when you realize that this skin came out concurrently with the Deathbringer skin:

It’s the exact same skin (save for the weapons), except no spooky scary helmet, and actual padding under her armor… so why?? Why did they take the padding away from the Death Knight skin? I thought they were just doing the typical fantasy barbarian thing, where they sort of wear kind-of clothes, but apparently not!
Doing women better, though.

Weekly BABD Stream #20~
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Join us this week for a two-and-a-half hour stream of hot, empowered dudes! Same BABD time on Saturday 9 AM PST / 6 PM CEST. As always, you can check your local time here.
See y’all there!
~Ozzie and Icy
At last, my two childhood icons together!
And finally the uncomfortable sexyness of Sailor Scouts’ transformation (warning: flashing images in the link) is used for a good cause: MALE EMPOWERMENT!
I’m glad they realized how important it was to make a tasteful, yet empowering alteration to Mario’s traditional outfit.
– wincenworks