Let’s Talk About Princess Zelda’s New Look
So for those that aren’t aware, the trailer for Breath of the Wild shows a costume design for Zelda is pretty awesome:

Needless to say, many people were thrilled about this design and generally praised Nintendo for this step forward. Of course, there’s a few folks to who’s primary concern is that you know nobody cares… but there’s also a lot of folks who are very excited and have created cosplay and all kinds of fan art.
- Cosplay by @driftingbystars
- Watercolor fan art by @morganamelia
- Animated fan art by @routexx
- Regal and feminine fan art by @inkmonsterdraws
- Zelda Casting Din’s Fire by @dysah
- “I love her so much” by @haruuuka
So basically the message to take away from this is that when certain people say “who cares” they really mean “I’m deeply upset that other people are enjoying a thing that wasn’t made exclusively for me”.
– wincenworks